What is R600A Refrigerant? - techtown
R600A is gaining popularity over the years, given its low Global Warming Potential (GWP). As a result, it has become the preferred refrigerant for light commercial and domestic refrigeration …
Working on R600A unit. - techtown
2021年3月17日 · Wanted to share some insight as I had the opportunity to work on an R600A unit the other day. Someone stabbed the evaporator plate trying to de-ice it and punctured it, …
R290 - techtown
2021年2月10日 · I j-u-s-t happened to noticed only the other day that NOW our hotel room refrigerators (Danby units) are hydrocarbon (R600A-Isobutane). Hydrocarbon refrigerants are …
Exploding refrigerator - techtown
2019年1月5日 · R600A is heavier than air, so a leak of it could have pooled into the bottom of the freezer/fridge compartment as a vapor (maybe the same level as the defrost heater?) or stirred …
New R290 Tools Launching for HVACR Technicians - techtown
2021年2月25日 · The latest advancements in R290 tools and gear are becoming more and more available to HVACR technicians. Explore more details of these new R290 charging
Training - techtown
How to Get Your EPA 608 Refrigerant Certification
Refrigeration - techtown
Recent Articles. Top 5 Tools for Hot Side Food Service Techs; How to Replace an Ice-O-Matic GEM & MFI Ice Machine Water Seal
Brand - Page 2 of 10 - techtown
Brand - Page 2 of 10 - techtown ... Search
R-290 PROPANE - techtown
2017年3月13日 · 150 grams of liquid can still be dangerous. Not being able to smell it worries me. I realize that the window of flammability is very narrow with propane.
Learning Center Archives - Page 3 of 6 - techtown
2021年6月18日 · What is R600A Refrigerant?