California Sign Specification Drawings - Caltrans
Only California (CA) coded sign specifications are shown on this page. Individual sign specifications listed are the latest versions available. Sign Codes Marked With an Asterisk (*) are unofficially reinstated for use in lieu of the federal equivalent sign, due to limitations in size, color, or alternate message options.
size border width margin width letter size. series & stroke width corner line 1 ; line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 radius - 1
This sign meets the MUTCD and all state specification standards. Comes standard with reflective sheeting and pre-drilled holes for mounting. Signs come standard in either .063 or .080 Aluminum, for .125 Aluminum or thicker please call for a price.
Title of Sign California MUTCD Section R25A(CA) None . LOADING ONLY 7AM TO 6PM EXCEPT SUNDAY 30 MINUTE LIMIT w/ Double Arrow : 2B.39 ; R25B(CA) ... R60B(CA) None . Optional Movement Lane Control . 2B.22 . R61(CA) Series . None . Intersection Lane Control . 2B.20 . R62A(CA) R10-4 . PUSH BUTTON FOR WALK SIGNAL . 2B.45 . R62B(CA)
File : MUTCD-CA R60B-1.svg - Wikimedia
2021年11月29日 · English: Sign R60B-1 “Optional Movement Lane Control” as specified by the California Department of Transportation for use with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
This chart contains commonly used signs in California, and is not meant to be used as a comprehensive sign chart. California codes are designated by (CA). Otherwise Federal codes are shown.
MUTCD/California/R - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Series R of the CA MUTCD is for regulatory signs. The following tables display only the signs specific to the CA MUTCD in California; consult MUTCD/R for regulatory signs in the national standard. How to tag a motion sensor–activated call button? How to indicate tow-away zone? How to tag the police department's phone number?
R6 Series Signs - One Way, Divided Highway, and Roundabout - Traffic Sign
Linked sign layout files in PDF format provided courtesy of FHWA's MUTCD website Unauthorized use of text, images, and other content is strictly prohibited. Refer to ...
California MUTCD Sign Charts | PDF - SlideShare
2019年4月26日 · This document contains a chart summarizing various regulatory road signs used in California. The chart lists the sign identification codes and provides images of the signs. It notes that California signs have a (CA) suffix and other signs use the 2009 MUTCD designations.
Optional Movement Lane Control R60B(CA) - BC Traffic
All signs can be made in any custom shape, size, color and sheeting. With or without Back Bracing Even on 1/8" corrugated plastic (Reflective or Non-Reflective) or 3/4" Plywood with Reflective or Non-Reflective Paint background. Call for more detail.