Plasmid R6K replication control - PubMed
The focus of this minireview is the replication control of the 39.9-kb plasmid R6K and its derivatives. Historically, this plasmid was thought to have a narrow host range but more recent …
R6K ATCC37120质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引 …
R6K载体价格3800元,R6K载体质粒图谱 (Vector map),载体序列 (Sequence)见下文,载体质粒抗性为氨苄、链霉素,质粒大小为38 kb。 R6K载体是质粒。
Plasmid R6K Replication Control - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Here, we survey the current state of knowledge regarding R6K replication and place individual regulatory elements into a proposed homeostatic model with implications for the biological …
Plasmid R6K replication control - ScienceDirect
2013年5月1日 · A survey of investigations into the replication control of plasmid R6K is presented. Special emphasis is placed on the functional diversity of π/π and π/DNA interactions. A simple …
常用质粒载体中-复制子,启动子序列 - protocol - 硕博园
2023年11月1日 · ORI 的数量众多,常见的复制子有ColE1,pMB1,pSC101,R6K和15A,复制起点的不同可能导致质粒拷贝数的不同。 复制起点的控制可分为松弛型(relaxed)和严紧 …
Replication of the gamma origin of Escherichi coli plasmid R6K requires pi protein, encoded by the R6K pir gene and many host factors, including DnaA protein. Pi has dual roles, activating …
R6K-Box 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
提供 R6K-Box 载体/质粒图谱,全长序列,抗性,大小和元件信息。
分子克隆——质粒的复制起点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
常见的复制子有 ColE1, pMB1, pSC101, R6K 和15A,复制起点的不同可能导致质粒拷贝数的不同。 通常,复制起点的控制可分为松弛型(relaxed)和严紧型(stringent)两种。 质粒的 …
Replication of R6K γ origin in vitro: discrete start sites for DNA ...
1998年10月2日 · The π 35.0 protein of plasmid R6K regulates transcription and replication by binding a DNA sequence motif (TGAGR) arranged either asymmetrically into 22 bp direct …
The minimal &replicon of plasmid R6K contains an open reading frame for a 151-amino acid protein in addition to the seven 22-base pair direct nucleotide sequence repeats, the structural …