Deimos - Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Gerald Morris, also known by his alias " Deimos ", is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Deadly Omen expansion.
Deimos - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
小型探测器,可能让一名敌方和Deimos之间在限定时间内相互暴露。 [1] 按住 可对选定的目标放出探测器。 侦测期间按下 可结束对目标的探测。 Deimos在释放技能前,会在HUD左侧的红色区域内看见可以选择的目标,只有被 揭露 身份的敌方玩家可以被选为探测目标。 当敌方玩家身份被揭露后,被揭露目标会在5秒冷却后可以被选择,每名被揭露的玩家都有单独的冷却时间。 在锁定敌方目标并放出探测器后,Deimos左侧的红色区域会出现你追踪的角色的图标与人脸的点线图, …
Deimos | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
The miniature flying probe seeks out a chosen target and reveals their location to Deimos while also revealing his location. with his custom .44 Vendetta being the only weapon available while tracking, Deimos makes it personal. “I was there when Rainbow began. I’ll be there when it ends.” Gerald Morris was born in Birmingham, Alabama.
Deimos | 特勤幹員 |《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》| Ubisoft (ZH)
這個小型飛行探測器會尋找選定目標並向 Deimos 揭露其位置,但同時也會讓 Deimos 的位置暴露。 Deimos 在追蹤時唯一可用的武器只有特製的 .44 Vendetta,他是對人不對事。 「我見證了虹彩小隊的創立,也會見證它的終結。 傑洛德.莫里斯出生於阿拉巴馬州的伯明罕。 他和身為退伍軍人的教父相當親近,教父會偷偷帶莫里斯去電影院看午後場的西部片,還有靶場。 對年輕的莫里斯來說,在歷史書中讀到貝斯.里夫斯警長的事蹟,是人生中的分水嶺,這成為了他日後的偶像 …
Deimos - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
Gerald " Deimos " Morris is a attacking operator featured in the Operation Deadly Omen expansion for Rainbow Six Siege. The miniature flying probe seeks out a chosen target and reveals their location to Deimos while also revealing his location. with his custom .44 Vendetta being the only weapon available while tracking, Deimos makes it personal.
A New Operator: The Ultimate Deimos Guide for Rainbow Six Siege
2024年3月11日 · With the arrival of Deimos in Year 9 Season 1 as the latest Attacker, players are presented with a unique blend of tracking abilities and strategic gameplay. Let's delve into a comprehensive guide on how to effectively utilize Deimos, understand his gadget, weapons, synergies, counters, and tips for maximizing his potential on the battlefield.
Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Operator Guide: Loadout, Gadgets
2024年4月10日 · Deimos is the main antagonist in Rainbow Six Siege’s lore right now, and he just became a playable operator in Year 9 Season 1. He is a 2-speed, 2-health Attacker with a unique tracking device that he uses to instill fear in opponent’s hearts. Here’s everything you need to know about this operator. “I was there when Rainbow began.
【R6S】Y9S1戴莫斯 官方介绍和玩法提示 - 哔哩哔哩
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Deimos Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年4月9日 · Deimos is the newest operator in Siege, and if you’ve been following the recent cinematic releases from the game, you’d know that in Siege’s narrative, he’s the current villain. He is, however, a playable operator, which makes him a unique one because all of the other operators are on the good side.
Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Operator guide, including new gadget …
2024年2月24日 · Deimos is the new Attacker Operator arriving in Y9S1 of Rainbow Six Siege, bringing a new tracking gadget into the fold with an all-new weapon too. Many of the recent additions have quickly risen among the best Operators, so it'll be interesting to see where Deimos lands in the meta in the game 's new Operation Deadly Omen.
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