Doc - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
激素手枪的子弹会被 巧集无人机 骇入后的 主动防御系统 和 磁力销毁系统 拦截。 出身于阿尔及利亚与法国后裔家庭,Katab在巴黎的第16大区长大成人。 父母是备受尊敬的军人和医生。 他就读于著名的巴黎笛卡尔大学,在他学习医学的第二年,Kateb志愿加入了无国界医生 (MSF)组织。 他曾多次自愿参与全世界各地的前线救援任务。 毕业时,Kateb拒绝了一家很有名的私人医疗公司的工作,转而加入法国国防卫生组织。 Kateb的专长是毒理学与生态毒理学。 他撰写了有关生物制 …
Doc | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Gustave "Doc" Kateb is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He is the leader of Rainbow's Wolfguard Squad. "Stay still, you'll be fine in no time." Gustave Kateb was born on September 16 in Paris, France. Of Algerian and French descent, Kateb grew up in an affluent family in Paris' 16 arrondissement.
Dokkaebi - Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
The ringing sound effects of the phones are taken directly from Watch Dogs. It is the same sound Aiden Pearce's phone makes. Dokkaebi is the first operator to smile in her operator portrait. She'd be followed by Amaru, Iana, Ace, Flores, Thunderbird, Osa, and Sens. Dokkaebi thinks Caveira is 'scary'. Dokkaebi is intimidated by Caveira and ...
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Category - Rule34video.com
Watch the best Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege videos in the world for free on Rule34video.com The hottest videos and hardcore sex in the best Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege movies.
Doc - R6S.skin
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
R6S百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
电子游戏《彩虹六号:围攻》的资料百科站,涵盖了游戏中的干员、地图、武器、装备、道具、历史版本、游戏补丁等信息。 同时也囊括了各种游戏机制、社区文化、术语等方便新手玩家查询的信息。
Charms | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Charms are a customization option in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Dust Line expansion. They are small items that can be attached to weapons. As with other cosmetics, they offer no gameplay advantage and are only aesthetic and are obtained through either Renown or R6 Credits.
R6S中文站 - 彩虹6号围攻WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
本WIKI由R6S中文站申请于2020年05月20日创建,编辑权限开放,如遇Chrome浏览器登陆后无法编辑点这里 BWIKI反馈留言板 全站通知: R6S中文站
R6: Siege Stats, Leaderboards & More! - Rainbow Six Siege Tracker
Check your profile and match history. View the top Rainbow Six players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison.
Charms - R6S.skin
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