Osa - Rainbow Six Wiki
Osa is the first transgender Rainbow Operator in the franchise, but the second confirmed case of LGBT representation, with Flores being the first. Osa's position went through many changes throughout her character development.
Osa - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
Osa的特殊装备 鹰爪8型透明护盾属于防弹护盾的一种; Osa的盾牌在门窗上部署时进行的动画可在任何时候取消,也就是说玩家可以利用Osa部署盾牌在门窗上时会破坏木板的特性进行快速突入;
Osa | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
There's no limit to imagination and the best ideas come when Osa's exclude the rules - she brings her new Talon-8 clear shield in attack to reinvent the battlefield.
Osa | 特勤幹員 |《湯姆克蘭西之虹彩六號:圍攻行動》| Ubisoft (ZH)
這面透明又防彈的 Talon-8 護盾可以讓 Osa 手持,或部署於地板與窗框上,在她策劃進攻策略時給予她安全的視線。 「當我排除方程式的規則與原則時,腦中就會浮現最棒的想法。 安雅出生在經營歐洲玩具店的楊科維奇家族,由於時常和她的雙親四處旅行,她一直有種不安定的感覺,直到她在 6 歲時搬去克羅埃西亞與阿姨同住為止。 她在克羅埃西亞開始上學,並學習製造玩具的家族事業,同時也對 60 年代的科幻電影發展出近乎癡迷的喜好。 她順從自己對創作及科技的熱情,進 …
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Osa Loadouts That Are Excellent
2023年12月18日 · Among the two choices for Osa’s primary weapon, the PDW9 submachine gun has the lower firepower, and that turns off a lot of players. At first glance, the 556XI assault rifle is just simply better in terms of damage and recoil. However, what makes the PDW9 a really great weapon for Osa is its huge magazine capacity.
How to Play Osa - Rainbow Six Siege Guide (2022)
An in-depth guide to Osa R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Osa with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, and popular video guides!
Osa Joins Rainbow Six Siege As Its First Transgender Operator
Osa will be Rainbow Six Siege's first transgender operator when she joins the roster tomorrow. First announced last week, she's a two-health, two-speed, two-difficulty character that uses a...
Osa - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
Anja Katarina " Osa " Janković is an atacking operator featured in the Operation Crystal Guard expansion for Rainbow Six Siege. The transparent and bulletproof Talon-8 Shield can be carried by Osa or deployed on floors or window frames, giving her a protective line of sight while she formulates an attack strategy.
Rainbow 6 Siege Osa Guide: How To Play Osa Like A Pro [25 Useful Osa …
2022年10月23日 · A guide for Osa in Rainbow Six Siege containing twenty five useful tips that every players should know.
2021年9月6日 · 今回はY6S3で新たに実装されるオペレーター 「OSA」 の性能についてまとめていきます! Y6S3のデザイナーズノートは こちら! OSAは体力2 (110)スピード2と平均的な性能です。 装備できるアタッチメントはテルミやジャッカルと同じでした。 メイン武器はテルミットの 556XI とジャッカルの PDW9 、サブ武器はスペツナズのPMMを所持しています。 サブガジェットはスモークグレネードとクレイモアを所持しています。 OSAはメインガジェット …