R-7 Semyorka - Wikipedia
The R-7 Semyorka (Russian: Р-7 Семёрка, lit. 'number seven', GRAU index: 8K71) was a Soviet missile developed during the Cold War, and the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile. …
Sputnik (rocket) - Wikipedia
The Sputnik rocket was an uncrewed orbital carrier rocket designed by Sergei Korolev in the Soviet Union, derived from the R-7 Semyorka ICBM. On 4 October 1957, it was used to …
R-7 (rocket family) - Wikipedia
An unmodified R-7 launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite. With the addition of upper stages, the R-7 spawned numerous variants, each optimized for specific missions. The …
R-7 family of launchers and ICBMs - RussianSpaceWeb.com
The First Artificial Satellite of the Earth, Sputnik-1 1957 Oct. 4, 22:28:34 Moscow time (00:28:34 local time on October 5): The R-7 rocket (Number 8K71PS) launched world's first artificial …
R-7 | Intercontinental, Soviet, ICBM | Britannica
R-7, Soviet/Russian missile and launch vehicle. Under the direction of the rocket pioneer Sergey Korolyov, the Soviet Union during the 1950s developed an intercontinental ballistic missile …
“斯普特尼克时刻”来源于英文的“SputnikMoment”。Sputnik是苏联 …
2021年10月28日 · 1957年10月4日,苏联用R7火箭从位于现在哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔航天基地携带“斯普特尼克”人造卫星成功发射,这也成为人类有史以来发射升空的第一颗人造卫星。
卫星号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
卫星号 (Sputnik),由苏联的弹道导弹R7(8K71)改装而来,在 谢尔盖·科罗廖夫 领导下研制。 作为这个世界上第一枚发射人造卫星进入地球轨道的火箭,“卫星号”为全人类航天事业作出了 …
R-7 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
2016年7月28日 · The Soviet Union launched its second unmanned test of the Vostok spacecraft, the Korabl Sputnik II, or Sputnik V. The spacecraft carried two dogs, Strelka and Belka, in …
R-7弹道导弹(俄文:P-7,英文:R-7,俄文:Семёрка,译文:7号,北约代号:SS-6,绰号:“Sapwood”,译文:警棍 [1]),是苏联第一代 洲际弹道导弹。 R-7弹道导弹是世界上最早 …
sputnik - NASA
The Sputnik rocket was based on the R7 interchangeable ballistic missle and was used to launch satellites into orbit beginning with the Sputnik 1 satellite. The Sputnik rocket was comprised of …