With 24 DIMMs of high-capacity, low-power DDR4 memory, seven PCI Express® (PCIe) 3.0 expansion slots and highly scalable local storage, the R730 is extremely flexible. Create a dense, resource-rich virtualization environment with up to 16 x 2.5" drives.
Support for PowerEdge R730 | Drivers & Downloads | Dell US
Get drivers and downloads for your Dell PowerEdge R730. Download and install the latest drivers, firmware and software.
6 PowerEdge R730 and R730xd Technical Guide 1 System overview Introduction The Dell PowerEdge R730 is a general-purpose platform with highly expandable memory (up to 768GB) and impressive I/O capabilities to match. The R730 can readily handle very demanding
Dell PowerEdge R730 Owner's Manual
The Dell PowerEdge R730 systems are rack servers that support up to two Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3 or Xeon E5-2600 v4 processors, up to 24 DIMMs, and 16 hard drives or solid state drives (SSDs).
Dell PowerEdge R730 用户手册
Dell PowerEdge R730 系统概览. PowerEdge R730 系统支持的配置; 前面板. 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器机箱; 2.5 英寸硬盘驱动器机箱; LCD 面板. 查看主屏幕; 设置菜单; 视图菜单; 背面板; 诊断指示灯. 前面板上的诊断指示灯; 硬盘驱动器指示灯代码; uSATA SSD 指示灯代码; NIC 指示灯代码 ...
年轻人的第一台服务器-DELL R730/XD选购指南(上) - 知乎
这可能是全网最详细的二手DELL R730/XD选购指南. 第一篇讲述了如何选择型号: 这篇将着重讲解机型选购的细节,从硬件角度讲述容易被混淆的地方,同时一篇内容太长易影响观看及查找,所以分成上下两部分。 此为上篇,从存储到idrac. 从前面板来看,存储结构分为两种尺寸,一种是3.5英寸的,可以兼容2.5英寸;一种是2.5英寸的,只能上小盘。 R730 3.5的为8盘位,2.5英寸有8盘和16盘(16盘注意看挡板背后是否有背板);R730XD 3.5的为12盘位,2.5英寸的为24盘 …
Dell PowerEdge R730: Specs and Rack Compatibility
Oct 20, 2020 · The Dell PowerEdge R730 contained evolutionary improvement over the PowerEdge R720 in terms of expandability, storage and performance. It is designed for data intensive applications and can handle enterprise workloads.
PowerEdge R730擅长处理大中型企业的各种要求极为苛刻的工作负载,例如数据仓库、电子商务、虚拟桌面基础架构(VDI)、数据库以及作为数据节点的高性能计算(HPC)。 如果选配3.5" 硬盘,则R730可为数据库、商业智能和HPC 应用提供最高64 TB的快速访问存储空间。 采用Intel®Xeon® 处理器E5-2600 v4产品系列,配有先进的DDR4内存,可为各种工作负载提供顶级计算性能。 凭借最多16 个12 Gbps SAS驱动器和高性能双RAID ,加快应用程序数据访问。 借助高级加速器 …
PowerEdge R730 - SaveMyServer.com
Compute Power: Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3/v4 processors with up to 18 cores for high-performance computing. Memory Capacity: Up to 1.5TB of DDR4 ECC memory for large-scale and mission-critical workloads. Storage Options: Supports up to 16 x 2.5” or 8 x 3.5” drives with SATA, SAS, and NVMe SSD support.
年轻人的第一台服务器 篇三:DELL R730/XD选购(下)
r730/xd准系统极致性价比推荐:四千兆网卡、495 epp双电双散热、h330阵列卡(直通)、单盘架。 小黄鱼商家730xd最低可以650元拿下,730最低可以800左右拿下,多看几家,多翻翻就能看到
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