R-744 - Crypto Museum
The R-744A was a general purpose valve-based VHF surveillance receiver, developed by the US Army Signal Corps in 1957/58 [A]. The receiver is suitable for AM, FM and CW signals and has a frequency range of 20 - 100 MHz.
Temprite - Transcritical Vertical Receivers - Natural Refrigerants
Temprite Transcritical Vertical Receivers are designed for small- to large-transcritical CO₂ refrigerant systems. A liquid receiver is a storage tank for holding liquid refrigerant and is located after the condenser in a refrigeration system.
Vertical receiver RCO+WT  - archive.r744.com
2015年6月1日 · Among its advanced pressure vessel and heat exchanger technology, Klimal’s high-pressure vertical receiver RCO+WT operates up to pressures of 160 bar and is capable of extending to an outside diameter of 1000mm. The size and diameter can be customised to the customer’s needs.
The system is a booster refrigeration system, composed of a two stage primary part with transcritical R744 equipment and a low temperature secondary CO2 pumped loop. The primary refrigeration sub-system installed on surface provides cold R744 at 53°C to the CO2 pumped loops installed 100 m underground and rejects the heat exchanged.
New heat exchanger technology and system components allow R744 (CO2) to reach competitive efficiency levels for transcritic cycle especially in northern countries and for sub-critic cascade cycle in southern countries.
R-744A VHF Surveillance Receiver - Tube Radio
U.S. military communications receiver for COMINT intercept missions. Also used by Canada and Australia. Used during the Vietnam War. Frequency range 20-100 MHz AM/FM/CW. Has three RF stages, a two-tube L.O., four IF stages, AM and FM det. BFO and one AF stage for headphones only. There is also a crystal calibrator for every 2 MHz.
For Production and Service: CO 2 (R744) is widely used today in mass production and can be handled safely. R744 systems will have specific charge ports according to SAE J639 to avoid refrigerant mixing. R744 systems have an explosion energy level in same range as today’s R-134a systems. CO 2 – R744 is not flammable.
Smart R744 system in a compact design. Designed for supermarkets with a market size up to 26,910 ft2.
An experimental study of an ejector-boosted transcritical R744 ...
2021年6月15日 · Extensive experimental study on the performance of the R744 ejector was performed. The influence of different boundary conditions was examined at the steady-state condition. Exergy analysis revealed better performance when the ejector operated transcritical. The ejector worked mostly at sub-critical mode within the range of less than 10 bar.
Transcritical R744 refrigeration systems for supermarket applications ...
2018年9月1日 · Being CO 2 (or R744) recognized across the world as the most promising working fluid for supermarket applications, commercial transcritical R744 refrigeration systems have emerged as leading hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-free technologies.