R7C1 - Official GTFO Wiki
R7C1 is the first C-Tier expedition in Rundown 7.0. It officially introduces a new enemy to the roster, the Snatcher. This new creature captures members of the team and deposits them in more dangerous areas, usually close to other enemies. This enemy was previously featured in ALT://R5A2, but makes its official debut here.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Rundown 007 maps
2022年6月30日 · If you find any inaccuracy on these maps, please let us know so that it can be corrected.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Rundown 7 Expedition Information …
2022年1月17日 · Below are images of the breakdown of every Expedition and every Zone in Rundown 7: What resources they contain. Alternatively here is a link to my Google spreadsheet, although Steam doesn't like them for some reasons.
Rundown 7 Maps & Resources/Scan Guide : r/GTFO - Reddit
2022年6月29日 · R7C1 - Monster. R7C2 - Sublimation. R7C3 - Reckless. R7D1 - Mother. R7D2 - AWOL. R7E1 - Chaos. Finally all this information and more (Lore Documents, Artifact Heat Explanation) can be found on the Steam Guide I made to keep it as up to date as possible.
r7 c1开黑打法【gtfo吧】_百度贴吧
r7 c1开黑打法..1.可以无脑三炮台一扫描,这样就最后27门拉开后比较难跑。 2.开局直奔23区关雾,进23区最好单人全程潜行。 潜行失败建议直接重开,不然后面会打的很痛苦。 3.拉重生点门的时候确保没人抱着电池。 4.找9个.
GTFO - The Ultimate Guide to R7C1 - YouTube
Music from Easternunit200: / @easternunit2009 Map by RandomKenny: / randomkenny ...more
【GTFO】新版R7C1通关视频 - 哔哩哔哩
已有16名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 917、弹幕量 0、点赞数 16、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 1、转发人数 7, 视频作者 Zico想好好睡觉ヽ, …
GTFOR1-R8全地图(包括ALT和原版) - 哔哩哔哩
目前如果想看我对地图的介绍,可以去参考我做的地图流程视频,我会从R1重置版做到R6重置版(R7由于已经有很多优秀的UP做过了,我就不做了,而且R7官方并没有宣布要重置)由于是 …
GTFO R7C1 Main - YouTube
GTFO R7C1 Main00:00:00 Drop00:02:03 Zone 20 (Security Scan)00:05:31 Zone 23 (Security Scan)00:07:28 Start Filtration Unit (Terminal Command)00:09:23 Zone 21 ...
GTFO/RUNDOWN 7.0 - NamuWiki
2025年2月6日 · This is the first tutorial map added in GTFO, and there is no record of clearing it. It is a method of learning and escaping weapons, resources, scans, enemies, and escapes according to the instructions of an unknown mechanical sound.