Imiquimod (R 837,咪喹莫特) - 仅供科研 | TLR7 Agonist | MCE
Imiquimod (R 837) 是一种 toll 样受体7 (TLR7) 激动剂,作为一种免疫反应修饰剂。 Imiquimod 在体内表现出抗病毒和抗肿瘤作用。 Imiquimod 可用于外生殖器、肛周疣、癌症和 COVID-19 的研究。 * Please select Quantity before adding items. • Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Jul 17:e2405158. [Abstract] • Acta Pharm Sin B. 2024 Jun 20. • J Control …
Extracellular miRNAs induce potent innate immune responses
2017年9月9日 · Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were isolated from wild-type and genetically modified mice and treated with various lipofectamine-complexed miRNA mimics (50 nM), R837 (TLR7 ligand, 0.25 μg/ml), or Pam3Cys (P3C, TLR2 ligand, 10 ng/ml).
TLR7 gain-of-function genetic variation causes human lupus
2022年4月27日 · We show that enhanced TLR7 signalling drives aberrant survival of B cell receptor (BCR)-activated B cells, and in a cell-intrinsic manner, accumulation of CD11c + age-associated B cells and...
TfR-T12 short peptide and pH sensitive cell ... - ScienceDirect
2022年4月1日 · It was found that the addition of R837 could induce a large amount of TNF-α release from BMDM cells, while TfR/TATH7/PTX/R837 NMs (pH 5.5) could also induce the production of TNF-α, but there was no significant difference in comparison to the pH 7.4 group.
The TLR7 agonists imiquimod and gardiquimod improve DC …
2010年6月14日 · In this study, we demonstrate that both gardiquimod and imiquimod promote the proliferation of murine splenocytes, stimulate the activation of splenic T, NK and natural killer T (NKT) cells,...
Cardiac RNA Induces Inflammatory Responses in Cardiomyocytes …
2015年10月10日 · Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were isolated from wild-type (WT) and genetically modified mice, and treated with Lipofectamine-complexed RNA (10 μg/ml), R837 (TLR7 ligand, 0.25 μg/ml), Pam3Cys (P3C, a TLR2 ligand, 10 ng/ml), or LPS (10 ng/ml). Sixteen hours later, the culture medium was collected.
European Journal of Immunology - Wiley Online Library
In the human system poly IC served as a TLR3 agonist, whereas R848 was replaced by R837 (a strictly TLR7 ligand), as human BDCA1 + DCs express TLR8 that could be triggered by R848 (Supporting Information Fig. 4 A and B). Importantly, R837 activates murine pDCs as it induces TNF-α production by these cells (Supporting Information Fig. 5).
咪喹莫特 - 百度百科
研究表明,局部应用5% 咪喹莫特乳剂,通过皮肤全身吸收很少。 (1) 咪喹莫特每周3次 (星期一、三、五或二、四、六),临睡前用药。 在医生指导下合理用药以发挥本品的最大疗效。 建议用药前和用药后洗手。 咪喹莫特多采用管状或多剂量包装,每管乳膏3g可涂抹面积为240平方厘米的疣体,避免过量使用本品,前一周使用尽量少,薄薄一层为宜。 (2) 睡前取适量咪喹莫特 药膏,均匀涂抹一薄层于疣体部位,轻轻按摩直到药物 完全吸收,并保留6 -10 小时,用药部位不要封 …
Imiquimod | TLR7 Agonist | Imidazoquinoline compound - InvivoGen
Imiquimod (R837), an imidazoquinoline amine analog to guanosine, is an immune response modifier with potent indirect antiviral activity. It is an FDA-approved treatment for external genital warts, basal cell carcinoma, and bladder cancer. Imiquimod is a specific agonist for human and mouse Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7).
用聚合物胶束选择性靶向肿瘤相关的巨噬细胞和肿瘤细胞,以增强 …
肿瘤相关巨噬细胞(TAM)相关的免疫疗法是一种非常有前途的策略,其中涉及用免疫调节剂咪喹莫特(R837)改变免疫抑制性肿瘤微环境以增强癌症治疗。 然而,由于水溶性差和缺乏靶向能力,R837的功能受到严重限制。 在这里,我们开发了两种靶向聚合物胶束,分别通过肿瘤内注射和静脉内注射将R837和抗癌药阿霉素(DOX)分别递送至TAM和肿瘤细胞,以增强针对乳腺癌的癌症化学免疫疗法。 这些胶束在肿瘤组织中积累后,免疫刺激胶束释放R837,该R837与TAM内 …