Rossi R92 Triple Black 357 - The Firearms Forum
Jan 5, 2024 · Hello. Just purchased 12/2/2023 a Rossi R92 Triple Black 357 and notice the barrel is cocked to the left ever so slightly. It’s at the 11:58 mark. The picatinny rail and both sights are all cocked to the left in the same manner. I thought I’d reach out to you folks with Rossi experience and see what you all think. I haven’t even shot the gun yet. I did send Rossi US an email to see what ...
NEF 9 shot 22LR Model R92 - The Firearms Forum
Jul 13, 2011 · bjones, Your NEF Model R92 was made sometime in the span of years 1988-99. Without the letter prefix to the serial number that is as close as can be determined. This was the "Standard" revolver model in .22 cal from the time NEF was reconstituted from the remains of H&R Arms Co./H&R Inc. which went belly up in Feb. 1986. It can handle .22 short, long or long rifle cartridges of any factory ...
Seeking assembly information / schematic for a N.E.F Model R92
Jan 10, 2012 · Help - My son just brought me his girlfriends R92 in pieces and would like me to reassemble it for him. It seems that her youngest likes to take things apart, but rarely puts them back together again. Now I am fairly good at puzzles and I have a pretty good idea how this pistol is supposed to go...
Sights on Rossi '92 - The Firearms Forum
Nov 27, 2016 · Have a Rossi '92 in .357. Shoots great groups, except for one thing. Everything is 10-12" high. This is with sight elevator removed. I never liked the factory buckhorn & replaced it with a Skinner barrel sight. Now, at its lowest position, and aiming 6 …
NEA R92 Ultra worth today - The Firearms Forum
Jul 1, 2017 · How about an NEF R92 Ultra .22?? I found a couple of these that have sold over the past few years. The most was one for $175 and the others were in the $100 - $150 range. The NEF was a follow-on to the Harrington and Richardson Model 929 9-shot revolver. While a nice, usable, firearm they were sold inexpensively and were never "collectable".
Need advice on Rossi R92 - The Firearms Forum
May 27, 2022 · I have a Rossi R92 chambered in 44 mag. It's fun to shoot but one problem. That curved metal butt plate digs in mercilessly on me. Does anyone know of a particular recoil pad or solution that might help? I've been digging around online for a while and not coming up with much. No help from the...
NEF R22 WMRF Uses NEF R92 .22lr Cylinder - The Firearms Forum
Feb 12, 2014 · Hello! I recently acquired an NEF R22 WMRF 6-shot revolver. I had to replace some parts, but I got it back into good working condition. I had some NEF R92 .22 9-shot cylinders laying around, so I tried one of them in the R22. I couldn't believe that it functioned perfectly. It indexed dead-on...
16" 20" or 24" barrel on a 357 lever rifle - The Firearms Forum
Mar 17, 2023 · Rossi R92, .357 Magnum, Stainless Steel, 24" Barrel. I had the barrel turned down so it was 1/2 Octagon/Round, the wood shaved down to fit the metal as it extended pass the metal and hydro-dip, action job to smooth it up and the finish bead blasted to give it a satin finish. What I understand by the smith that did the work.
Spare parts for N E F Model R92 - The Firearms Forum
Jan 12, 2018 · Anyone know where I can find parts for N E F Model R92 pistol.