R-97 Compact SMG - Titanfall Wiki
The R-97 Compact Submachine Gun (SMG), or simply the R-97 SMG or R-97, is a Pilot anti-personnel close-quarter submachine gun manufactured by Lastimosa Armory that appears in Titanfall and reappears in Titanfall 2 with its variant, the R-97 CN (Colonial Navy).
【泰坦前线】第九期:R97 - 哔哩哔哩
R97全名R97-CN,在正式加入边境设施之前就受到了军工厂的重视与肯定,进行了一次大型升级后才来到边境设施协助铁驭进行任务。 这个有两颗小虎牙的小姑娘外号“雹暴”,来源于她暴风雨般倾泻而出的致命弹药。 因为患有多动症,R97是全梯队最活跃也是最好动的人形。 R97基本上没有任何时候是安静的,甚至睡觉也会扭来扭去,因此R97是独自一人睡在窗台上的。 对于R97而言,在同一个地方站立一分钟可能比在硝烟弥漫的战场上战斗一分钟要艰难的多。 R97拥有极快的反 …
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imc臭名昭著的铁驭选拔课程的一项要求是,候选人在跑了20公里后,必须使用r97-cn smg在25米的距离使用全自动模式射击,子弹的间隔在10cm以内
R-97 Compact SMG - Official Titanfall 2 Wiki
R-97 Compact SMG is a Pilot Primary Weapon in Titanfall 2. The R-97 is a compact submachine gun that excels at close-quarters combat, due to its extremely high rate of fire and minimal recoil...
R-97 Compact SMG - Titanfall Guide - IGN
The R-97 Compact SMG is a compact submachine gun that excels at close quarters combat. It has a high rate of fire and average recoil, but the damage output per bullet is relatively low compared...
[SMG Comparison] R97 vs CAR - If you miss shots, then use the R97.
2014年3月20日 · TL;DR - The R97 is the better SMG for Run and Gun if you miss more than 3-4 shots. I don't want to be a dick, but isn't it kinda obvious that the effect is more noticable if you miss a bullet from a gun that fires slower, but does more damage per bullet, than missing a bullet from a high RPM gun, but lower damage?
R-97 Compact SMG (Titanfall 1) - Official Titanfall 2 Wiki
The R-97 Compact SMG (Titanfall 1) is a Primary Weapon for Pilots appearing in Titanfall. The R-97 Compact SMG fires 5.8x42mm DBP87 ammunition from a 40-Round detachable box magazine. While it possesses a substantially faster rate of fire than larger weapons, such as the R-101 or the Hemlok, its...
Titanfall Guide - R97 SMG - YouTube
2014年3月6日 · Taking a look at the R97 Compact Submachine Gun from Titanfall, how it works, tactics, customization and how to counter it.Subscribe for future Titanfall sho...
R97 Compact SMG | Titanfall Expanded Universe Wiki | Fandom
The R97 Compact SMG (R97C SMG) is another weapon based on the R Frame Series of weapons manufactured by RSPN Industries. It is often issued to special operations squads working in close combat environments due to its large clip size, low recoil and high rate of fire. Some Pilots also favour the...
パイロット/メイン武器/R-97コンパクトSMG - Titanfall(タイタ …
EVA-8ショットガンに匹敵する至近距離用のSMG。 Symthic を参考にすると距離減衰によるダメージ減少率は低いが、集弾性が低い事から中距離以上の戦闘は向かない。 また連射性能が高い反面、すぐに弾切れになることから体感で弾数を把握することが必要と ...