R-99 SMG | Titanfall Wiki | Fandom
The R-99 Submachine Gun (SMG), or simply the R-99, is an anti-personnel close-quarter Submachine gun employed by combatants in the Apex Games, appeas a successor to its Frontier War ancestor, the R-97 Compact SMG. The R-99 features the highest rate of fire in the game, exceeding even the Devotion 's 900rpm (once spun up).
电竞级R99与军工级R97,你们选哪个? - 哔哩哔哩
R-97 Compact SMG | Titanfall Wiki | Fandom
The R-97 Compact Submachine Gun (SMG), or simply the R-97 SMG or R-97, is a Pilot anti-personnel close-quarter submachine gun manufactured by Lastimosa Armory that appears in Titanfall and reappears in Titanfall 2 with its variant, the R-97 CN (Colonial Navy). A successor to the weapon, the R-99 SMG, was developed after the end of the Frontier War.
R99打满好爽 - 哔哩哔哩
APEX武器讨论:莫桑比克与R99版本对比 - 百度贴吧
2024年10月20日 · 伤害增高后近点神,中距离也能抽两枪,加上极高的射速可以快速偷伤害还没什么timing,换弹节奏也可以,而且当时枪械能用的还有car、猎兽、哈沃克等等,不跟现在武器池一样全都在射棉花. 那你再看看莫莫莫莫莫这把啥13枪,弹速慢、着弹点也怪,用起来轻飘飘的双持没法开镜,打中近确实强,但你根本不知道这枪离远点子弹往哪飘,就是没什么好射击手感,你瞄准了打上去跳15,你准星偏了却打了45,这种时不时有一下的挫败感和随机感真的挺重的。 …
R99这赛季表现如何?玩家热议其陷阱属性 - 百度贴吧
2025年2月17日 · R99这赛季表现如何? 玩家热议其陷阱属性. 所以这赛季的枪械平衡其实挺不错,基本做到了所有枪都能玩。 l🌟,充能暴走,ev8,复仇,四选二,其他都不是这些对手,如果考虑容错就不要暴走,其他枪在他们面前都是低人一等。
为啥大家还那么喜欢R99呢 - 百度贴吧
一年前car的伤害还没削,dps比11伤r99高,弹夹总伤也高,还不分轻重好找子弹配件。 所以哪怕现在的r99同为11伤,弹容量甚至比一年前低,是历史上数值最低的版本,也还很多人愿意用。
R-99 SMG - Titanfall Wiki
It is a successor to its Frontier War ancestor, the R-97 Compact SMG. The R-99 features the highest rate of fire in the game, exceeding even the Devotion 's 900rpm (once spun up). If a player's aim is accurate, then downing a target will take little time.
R-99 SMG - Download Free 3D model by Treybird - Sketchfab
This is an attempt at the R-99 form titanfall or apex legends - R-99 SMG - Download Free 3D model by Treybird
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