The Telltale Traces of the US Military’s New ‘Bladed’ Missile
2021年8月26日 · The R9X is now the US military’s weapon of choice when targeting individuals. Here’s how to identify the aftermath of an airstrike.
Bladed ‘Ginsu’ Hellfire Missile Seen In Action For First Time
2025年3月1日 · Remnants of the R9X seen in a screenshot from a video showing the aftermath of that attack. (Screenshot via X) The AGM-114R9X was developed in secret and has been used increasingly over the last eight years, including in very high-profile operations, without official acknowledgement of its existence.It is thought to be a weapon of choice for targeted assassinations using MQ-9 Reaper drones ...
Secretive Bladed AGM-114R9X Hellfire Missile Looks To Have …
2024年12月17日 · A new targeted strike involving the use of the secretive AGM-114R9X Hellfire missile looks to have occurred in northwestern Syria. The R9X variant features an array of six pop-out sword-like blades rather than a traditional high-explosive warhead.
AGM-114 Hellfire - Wikipedia
It has a multi-mission, multi-target precision-strike ability and can be launched from multiple air, sea, and ground platforms, including the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper. The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon for the armed forces of the United States and many other countries.
这款由100磅重、1.6米长的“地狱火”空对地导弹改造成的特殊导弹,代号r9x,其和普通的“地狱火”导弹唯一的区别就在于这款r9x的导弹弹身装有6柄程度接近1.2米的金属铁砧,远看颇像6把明晃晃的“大刀片”,其杀伤方式不是别的,正是通过甩出这6柄铁砧来 ...
2019年12月7日 · 美军agm-114-r9x特种刺杀弹,是美国中央情报局与美国国防部合作开发的一款以刺杀为主要任务的特殊弹药,r9x炸弹可以使用无人机进行发射,与普通炸弹或导弹不同的是,r9x内部没有火药或其他载荷,它是…
Video Captures U.S. R9X Missile Striking Kataib Hezbollah Leader's ...
2024年2月24日 · Video evidence reveals the targeted vehicle’s roof has been notably crushed, a hallmark sign of an R9X strike. The distinctive trail was the result of the vehicle’s fuel tank being punctured, leading to the car being consumed by fire after halting further along the road.
2019年5月10日 · 近日,美国华尔街日报记者对外披露了美国中央情报局(CIA)和国防部在近几年内联合开发了一款名为R9X的特种刺杀导弹。 通过介绍可知,该弹是基于美军阿帕奇武装直升机所配备的AGM-114海尔法导弹所发展的,但和普通导弹所不同的是,它并没有一个会爆炸的战斗部,取而代之是一个能够弹出6片长刀片的惰性战斗部,它主要是在精确命中目标后,通过这些刀片将敌人砍死。 据悉,之所以要采用这种奇怪的设计,主要是为了减少在刺杀行动中对周围平 …
新款“地狱火”来了 这次它用“飞刀”杀敌_导弹 - 搜狐
2019年5月22日 · 据称,这种新型导弹基于agm-114“地狱火”系列反坦克导弹改进而来,代号“r9x”。 它的弹头不会爆炸,而是会在命中目标前,将收纳在弹身内的6把金属长刀弹射出来灭敌。
AGM-114 R9X“地狱火”空对地导弹:出鞘的凶器 - 中国军网
综合外媒报道,美军在袭击中使用了两枚agm-114 r9x“地狱火”空对地导弹和一枚普通导弹。据介绍,agm-114 r9x导弹不会产生爆炸,是通过弹体上弹出的锋利剃刀和导弹本身的高速冲击力“绞杀”目标,堪称是一种丧心病狂的暗杀武器。 用了什么武器
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