Squadron History — 2214 (Usworth) Squadron ATC
2214 (Usworth) Squadron ATC was formed in 1941 on the site of RAF Usworth, a former Royal Air Force Station in Washington, in the North East of England. In 2016, our cadets made a video celebrating 75 years of 2214 Squadron and the Air Training Corps:
2214 (Usworth) Squadron ATC
The Washington branch of the RAF Air Cadets. Looking for a new challenge? Click here to find out more!
Meet The Team — 2214 (Usworth) Squadron ATC
Service Instructor (RAF) ABOUT ME SQUADRON CHAPLAIN. Padre - VACANT - ABOUT ME Civilian Committee. Mr John Stelling. Squadron Chairperson. ABOUT ME Mr Jason Clifford. Squadron Treasurer. ABOUT ME -VACANT- ... Virtutem Probamus ...
2214 - Usworth Squadron | Washington - Facebook
2214 - Usworth Squadron, Washington, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom. 667 likes · 7 talking about this · 39 were here. 2214 (Usworth) Squadron is a uniformed youth organisation for young people aged...
2019年4月9日 · 2214 (Usworth) Squadron RAF Air Cadets based in Washington are soaring into a new kind of RAF blue for the RAF’s 100 year anniversary. On Thursday the 29th of November a new Blue Plaque was unveiled at The Three Horse Shoes pub at …
2214 (Usworth) Squadron Air Training Corps - Geocities Archive
2214 (Usworth) Squadron is just one of 921 Squadrons and 73 Detached Flights of the A.T.C or Air Cadets as we are better known.. We are located in the North East of England midway between Washington and Sunderland on the site of a Former RAF station.
2214 (Usworth) Squadron (@2214usworthsquadron) - Instagram
272 Followers, 93 Following, 12 Posts - 2214 (Usworth) Squadron (@2214usworthsquadron) on Instagram: "2214 Usworth is part of the RAF Air Cadets, a uniformed youth organisation with the objective of giving young people useful experiences and training."
品牌:RAF,型号:R.2214,货号:R.2214,有无烘烤架:有,有无防尘盖:有,面包槽数:2片,定时档位:手动,功能:加热,烤肉,烘烤,煎蛋,解冻,额定电压:220v,额定频率:50hz,额定功率:1000w,产品尺寸:26.7*13.7*22.5,功率:1000W及以上,加热方式:加热管加热,控制方式:机械式 ...
75 Years of RAF Air Cadets - 2214 Usworth Squadron Air Training Corps
75 Years of RAF Air Cadets - 2214 Usworth Squadron Air Training Corps. Sharing Heritage. Date awarded. 26/05/2016. Location. Washington North. Local Authority. Sunderland. Applicant. 2214 (Usworth) Squadron Air Training Corps. Award Given. £10000. North Community heritage. Help us make our website better ...
RAF Usworth Battle of Britain - Three Horse Sho... | Historypin
2024年5月28日 · Featuring the original Blackadder - Flt. Lt. Francis of 607 County of Durham Squadron who led the attack on the German raid. <br />Plaque shows crests of 607 Squadron RAF (left) and 2214 (USWORTH) Squadron RAF Air Cadets.<br /><br />Unveiling Ceremony<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Znge5qSbSg