RAL 000 55 00 Medium grey (RAL Design) | RALcolorchart.com
This page shows RAL color 000 55 00 with the color name Medium grey. This RAL color is in the 000 - 095 category, part of the RAL Design color system.
RAL 000 55 00 Medium grey 中灰 - 千通彩色库
问 ral 000 55 00色号的rgb,hex,cmyk数值分别是多少? 答 ral 000 55 00色号的rgb色值为(130,130,130), hex(十六进制色值)为 #828282, cmyk未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实物色卡确认!
RAL劳尔色卡对照表 - paintun.com
劳尔色卡色号一览表是德国的一种色卡品牌,这种色卡在国际上广泛通用,又称RAL国际色卡,中文译为:劳尔色卡.带有所有RAL古典色彩的扇形色卡· 每页五种RAL古典色彩,共210种颜色 。 注:K7和K5唯一的区别就是它们的色块大小不一样:K7的是一个页面5个颜色而K5是一个页面一个颜 …
Overview of all RAL colors | RALcolorchart.com
RAL is a color matching system that defines colors for paints, coatings and plastics. On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is the most well-known and widely used system, with RAL 9010 (pure white) being the best-known RAL color. The RAL Design and RAL Effect systems offer more color variations than RAL Classic.
Color RAL 000 55 00 | RAL color chart USA
Here you can see the example of RAL 000 55 00 color in RAL charts. This RAL shade is one of 566 colors in 000 - 095 chart. RAL Color RAL 000 55 00 was generated in HEX as a reference to the original color. Conver this color throughout different color systems and collections by selecting the target on the dropdown box below.
Colour RAL 000 55 00 / Medium grey | RAL colour chart UK
Here you can see the example of RAL 000 55 00 colour in RAL charts. This colour shade is a part of RAL Design colour deck, it is also known by Medium grey name. This RAL shade is one of 501 colours in 000 - 095 chart.
RAL Medium grey [RAL 000 55 00] Color in RAL Design chart - HEX to RAL
RAL 000 55 00 Color code refers to yellow color depicted on this page. The 'Medium grey' is a name attributed to this exact color tone on RAL Design color chart. The name you see here is considered official, which means that you can safely use it when reffering to this RAL Design color without any confusion.
【完整版】RAL国际专业色卡对照表,附文件下载 - 知乎
2024年11月4日 · RAL色卡 是德国的一种色卡品牌,这种色卡在国际上广泛通用,又称RAL国际色卡,中文译为: 劳尔色卡. 1. 色号对照表. 2. 设计系统. 3. 色卡辅助设计. 4. 德国欧标色卡. 自从1927年,当RAL涉入色彩时,就创建了一种统一的语言,为丰富多彩的颜色建立标准统计和命名,这些标准在世界范围内被广泛的理解和应用。 RAL设计系统已被发展用于专业色彩设计,对建筑业尤其有用。 它包含以一个有规律次序排列的1688种颜色。 所以七位数的颜色被划分为单独的RAL颜 …
RAL是由德国的RAL研究所推出的一种国际颜色系统,用于定义油漆,涂料和塑料的颜色。 该标准在工业、商业、建筑施工和设计领域占据主导地位,并且在几乎所有行业都有需求。 RAL颜色标准可以追溯到1927年,当时德国贸易标准局的专家首先开发了由40种颜色组成的系列。 从那时起,RAL调色板一直在不断扩展。 该公司根据RAL发布颜色目录,包含油漆示例的色卡,开发并且添加新样品。 使用快捷键CTRL+G搜索颜色. 颜色代码表提供的RAL劳尔国际标准色卡电子版色 …
RAL 000 55 00 | RAL Colours - RAL Farben
With the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus, you can enter a colour world of maximum design freedom. 1,825 shades ranging from pastel to intense enable precise and finely adjusted colour designs. The structure of the colour collection is based on the CIELab colour space: Be intuitively inspired by 39 basic colour shades and their gentle gradations or ...