特威凯(多替拉韦钠,DTG),真的那么“神”么? - 知乎
dtg方案在病毒抑制率上优于艾生特(ral)方案,毒副作用上二者相近。 dtg充分继承了第一代insti的各项优势,相比于艾生特(拉替拉韦,ral)等药物,dtg不仅服药剂量小(一天1-2次,每次50mg,不需要增强剂),而且更为重要的是,dtg特别不容易耐药。
What to Start: Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Regimens - NIH
2024年9月12日 · Four oral integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs)—bictegravir (BIC), dolutegravir (DTG), elvitegravir (EVG), and raltegravir (RAL)—are approved for use in people with HIV as their initial ARV treatment.
Initial Regimen | Johns Hopkins HIV Guide - Hopkins Guides
If rifampin used, can use EFV (standard dose), RAL (800 mg twice-daily), DTG (50 mg twice daily). DTG and RAL can be used at standard doses with rifabutin. BIC should not be used with a rifamcyin.
Dolutegravir, the Second-Generation of Integrase Strand Transfer ...
Dolutegravir (DTG) is the only second-generation INSTI with FDA approval (2013). It has potential advantages in comparison to first-generation INSTI’s, including unboosted daily dosing, limited cross resistance with raltegravir and elvitegravir, and a high barrier to resistance.
整合酶抑制剂临床应用专家共识 - 中华传染病杂志
2023年8月7日 · 抗反转录病毒治疗 (antiretroviral therapy,ART)的出现和应用将艾滋病从一种致死性疾病转变为一种可以治疗但尚难以彻底治愈的慢性疾病。 ART是治疗艾滋病最重要的措施,目前共有7大类超过50种抗反转录病毒药物 (antiretroviral drug,ARV)获得美国食品及药物管理局 (food and drug administration,FDA)批准用于艾滋病临床治疗 [1]。 随着ART在临床的广泛应用,HIV的耐药问题已经成为影响疗效的重要原因。
Clinical effectiveness of dolutegravir in the treatment of HIV/AIDS
2021年10月15日 · After oral dosing, DTG exposure in cervicovaginal fluid was found to be 5%–7% of blood plasma exposure compared to around 200% for RAL. In semen, the DTG concentration is 6%–7% of blood plasma concentration compared to over 400% of ritonavir (RTV). The exposure in colorectal tissue is 18%–20% of the blood plasma concentration.
2019年3月13日 · 杜鲁特韦是继雷特格韦(Raltegravir,简称RAL)、埃替格韦(Elvitegravir,简称EVG)之后,FDA批准的第三个HIV整合酶抑制剂。 DTG:杜鲁特韦的简称 RAL:雷特格韦的简称
Effectiveness of dolutegravir-based regimens compared to …
2024年12月21日 · DTG-based regimens demonstrated higher levels of effectiveness and durability compared to DRV- or RAL-based regimens and had similar treatment responses as BIC- and EVG-based regimens among ART-experienced older PWH.
HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitors: a review of current …
2021年5月1日 · The notable advantage of DTG is its ability to maintain high potency against mutant HIV-1 strains that are resistant to RAL and EVG [4]. In the SPRING-1 study, DTG was shown to be effective and tolerable when given once daily to ART-naïve adults (without a pharmacokinetic booster) compared with EFV [36] .
减少药物负担的备选双药组合:拉替拉韦(RAL)+拉米夫 …
2023年12月1日 · 研究显示,拉替拉韦(ral)在引发神经精神症状和体重增加方面的风险,低于多替拉韦(dtg)。 对于初次接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的pwh,拉替拉韦(ral)作为标准的三重疗法中的一部分,与多替拉韦(dtg)的疗效相当。
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