RAL (劳尔)色卡 F9 RAL-F9 - 千通彩色彩管理官网
RAL F9 颜色原标准套装包含9种德国联邦国防军迷彩颜色的集合。 该套装包含“三色迷彩系统”(青铜绿、皮革棕和焦油黑)以及适应沙漠地区的所谓“迷彩颜色”(沙米色、粘土米色、浅橄榄色 …
RAL 6031-F9 Bronze green - 千通彩色库
问 ral 6031-f9色号是什么颜色,中英文名称是什么? 答 RAL 6031-F9为绿色相,在HSV色彩空间中RAL 6031-F9的色调为70度,饱和度为22%,明度为32%,中英文名称是“Bronze green”
RAL(劳尔)色卡 F9RAL-F9 - 千通彩色彩管理官网
RAL F9 颜色原标准套装包含9种德国联邦国防军迷彩颜色的集合。 该套装包含“三色迷彩系统”(青铜绿、皮革棕和焦油黑)以及适应沙漠地区的所谓“迷彩颜色”(沙米色、粘土米色、浅橄榄色 …
RAL F9 Colour primary standard card with a dull-matt surface - RAL …
The RAL F9 Colour primary standard card is the practical, indispensable tool for camouflage colour reproductions or for quality control. Use the large visual display of the relevant shade …
RAL F9 Camouflage colours- Order Individually
RAL F9 is a collection of camouflage colors, used by Germany’s Armed Forces. The cards are binding color samples for color matching and quality control and contain XYZ-values, the …
RAL F9 Colour primary standard card | RAL COLOURS Shop - RAL …
RAL F9 – Colour primary standard card for the camouflage colours of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) Ready for shipment: 2-3 Days
RAL 9021-F9 Tar black - 千通彩色库
答 RAL 9021-F9为绿色相,在HSV色彩空间中RAL 9021-F9的色调为80度,饱和度为5%,明度为25%,中英文名称是“Tar black” 问 RAL 9021-F9色号的RGB,Hex,CMYK数值分别是多少?
RAL F9 — Equipment for Quality Control and R&D+i - Neurtek
RAL F9 is a collection of camouflage colours, used by Germany's Armed Forces. The cards are binding colour samples for colour matching and quality control and contain XYZ-values, the …
德国劳尔RAL色卡 F9军工迷彩色系_RAL-F9 - m.qtccolor.com
ral f9是德国部队使用的迷彩色。 这套色卡用于配色和质量控制,提供X-Y-Z值、与原始标准的色距和反射率曲线,用于环装颜色标准用于配色和颜色控制,并包含60°和 85°光的信息,以及色 …
RAL F9 Camouflage camo color of the army - Torso
RAL F9 Camouflage color in a 3-piece set. Originally a unique color tone for all vehicles and devices of the army were defined: RAL 6014 yellow olive. In order to improve the camouflage …