RATP: Public transport in Paris and île-de-France: metro, RER, bus, …
Public transport in Paris and Île-de-France: itinerary planner; metro, RER and bus maps; information on: traffic, fares, hours, areas…
RATP : transports à Paris et en Ile-de-France : bus, métro, tramway ...
Transport à Paris et en Ile-de-France : itinéraires, plans de métro, RER et bus, informations sur : trafic, tarifs, horaires, quartiers...
Itinéraires métro, bus, tramway, transilien, noctilien - RATP
Trouvez l'itinéraire le plus rapide entre deux points pour préparer vos déplacements à Paris et en Ile-de-France : Bus, Métro, RER, Noctilien, ...
Bonjour RATP - Public Transportation in Paris and Île-de-France
With just a few clicks, access the entire public transportation network of Île-de-France and find useful information about routes and schedules of lines, or about your stations, stops, and stations. Bonjour RATP calculates your routes in real time based on traffic information from bus, metro, RER, Transilien, and Tramway lines.
巴黎大众运输公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴黎大众运输公司 (法语: Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens,简称 RATP)是一间公共企业,承 法兰西岛运输联合会 指派,负责市区及近郊大众运输工具之营运,包括: 巴黎地铁 、 公共汽车 、 巴黎路面电车 及 大区快铁 的 A、B 两线。 RATP 成立于 1949年,取代巴黎都会铁路公司(Compagnie du chemin de fer métropolitain de Paris,简称 CMP)的位置,负责经营先前由私人企业掌管的巴黎地上及地下大众运输工具。 其属性为工商业性质之公共机构(EPIC)。 …
RATP Group - Wikipedia
The RATP Group (French: Groupe RATP) is a French state-owned enterprise that operates public transport systems primarily in Paris, France. Headquartered in Paris, it originally operated under the name Régie autonome des transports parisiens (English: Parisian …
RATP Itineraries and places in Paris and Île-de-France - Bonjour RATP
Search all public transportation routes in Paris and Île-de-France with Bonjour RATP. In just a few seconds, plan your journeys using public transportation: metro, RER, Transilien, tramway, bus, and Noctilien.
巴黎大眾運輸公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴黎大眾運輸公司(法語: Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens ,簡稱 RATP)是一間公共企業,承法蘭西島運輸聯合會指派,負責市區及近郊大眾運輸工具之營運,包括:巴黎地鐵、公共汽車、巴黎路面電車及大區快鐵的 A、B 兩線。
RATP bus network - Wikipedia
The RATP bus network covers the entire territory of the city of Paris and the vast majority of its near suburbs. Operated by the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), this constitutes a dense bus network complementary to other public transport networks, all organized and financed by Île-de-France Mobilités .
Travel passes and prices: Metro, RER, Bus - RATP
La ligne de métro 14 remplace Orlybus pour se rendre à l'aéroport | Île-de-France Mobilités. If you wish to travel between two stations in the Île-de-France… If you wish to travel by bus, tram or …