2025 RAV4 - Toyota.com
2023年1月6日 · Experience an exceptional blend of power, performance, capability and comfort with RAV4’s 203-horsepower 4-cylinder engine, 8-speed transmission and available All-Wheel Drive (AWD). RAV4’s Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) platform refines every drive.
RAV1, a novel DNA-binding protein, binds to bipartite ... - PubMed
1999年1月15日 · We have cloned and characterized two novel DNA binding proteins designated RAV1 and RAV2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. RAV1 and RAV2 contain two distinct amino acid sequence domains found only in higher plant species. The N-terminal regions of RAV1 and RAV2 are homologous to the AP2 DNA-binding domain …
Arabidopsis transcription factors, RAV1 and RAV2, are ... - PubMed
Transcription factors, RAV1 and RAV2 from Arabidopsis thaliana, contain two distinct DNA-binding domains, AP2/EREBP and B3, both of which are uniquely found in plants. We found that transcripts of RAV1 and RAV2 were upregulated transiently by touch-related mechanical stimuli. However, the temporal e …
RAV2 | SGD - Saccharomyces Genome Database
Yeast RAV2 shares structural and functional homology with human ROGDI, and has been used to study Kohlschutter-Tonz syndrome, an epileptic encephalopathy with amelogenesis imperfecta with parallels to V-ATPase-related disease.
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Tomato RAV transcription factor is a pivotal modulator involved in …
Using a transient assay system, we show that tomato RAV2 (SlRAV2) can transactivate the reporter gene driven by the SlERF5 promoter. Virus-induced gene silencing of SlERF5 and SlRAV2 in AtCBF1 transgenic and BW-resistant cultivar Hawaii 7996 plants gave rise to plants with enhanced susceptibility to BW.
本文主要对AP2/ERF 家族的结构特点、分布、调控植物生长发育、响应 胁迫以及生物合成等方面的研究进展进行论述,以 期对今后该类家族转录因子研究有所帮助。 1 AP2/ERF转录因子的结构特征和分类. 转录因子一般由DNA结合域(DNA -binding- domain,DBD)、转录调控域(transcription-regulation- domain,TRD)、寡聚化位点(oligomerization site, OS)和核定位信号区(nuclear localization signal, NLS)等功能域组成[7]。 AP2/ERF转录因子均含有 …
OsRAV9/OsTEM1作用于成花促进因子 OsMADS14 和 Hd3a 上游,作为抑制光周期开花的因子,具有保守的功能。 并且,OsTEM1通过直接抑制 OsMADS14 来控制抽穗期。 沉默 OsRAV9 / OsTEM1 导致转基因植株抽穗提早(Osnato et al. 2020)。 1. Michela Osnato;Luis Matias-Hernandez;Andrea Elizabeth Aguilar-Jaramillo;Martin M. Kater;Soraya Pelaz. 2.
两种植物病毒沉默抑制因子需要乙烯诱导宿主转录因子 RAV2 来阻 …
Two plant viral suppressors of silencing require the ethylene-inducible host transcription factor RAV2 to block RNA silencing. RNA silencing is a highly conserved pathway in the network of interconnected defense responses that are activated during viral infection.
拟南芥转录因子RAV1和RAV2由与触摸相关的刺激以剂量依赖性和 …
Arabidopsis transcription factors, RAV1 and RAV2, are regulated by touch-related stimuli in a dose-dependent and biphasic manner. Transcription factors, RAV1 and RAV2 from Arabidopsis thaliana, contain two distinct DNA-binding domains, AP2/EREBP and B3, both of which are uniquely found in plants.
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