Code of Conduct - Responsible Business
2021年1月1日 · The RBA Code of Conduct is a set of social, environmental and ethical industry standards. The standards set out in the Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO …
Trafficked & Forced Labor - Responsible Business
Eradicating forced labor has been the highest priority for the Responsible Business Alliance and its Code of Conduct since the organization’s inception in 2004. While the RBA Code of Conduct explicitly bans trafficked and forced labor, completely eradicating it in the global electronics industry supply chain remains a challenge.
Responsible Business Alliance
2024年12月5日 · The RLI is a multi-industry, multi-stakeholder initiative focused on ensuring that the rights of workers vulnerable to forced labor in global supply chains are consistently respected and promoted.
Forced Labor Standards
The RLI promotes elements of the RBA Code of Conduct that apply to ethical recruitment and employment of workers, such as Freely Chosen Employment, Young Workers, Working Hours, Wages and Benefits, Humane Treatment, Non-Discrimination/Harassment and Freedom of …
Workers are allowed to have annual leave, public holidays, sick leave, maternity leave and other legally mandated breaks. Quiz The management state that workers work more then 60 hours per week only when customers demand increase. This is only happens once a month. Is this compliance with RBA work hours requirement.
About the Responsible Labor Initiative
The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) has been at the forefront of combating forced labor through the application of advanced due diligence standards, programs and tools in the global supply chains of its members.
SVAP on Forced Labor
The Specialty Validated Assessment Program (SVAP) on Forced Labor is a new audit program based exclusively on identifying the risk of forced labor at an Employment Site (e.g., factory) or Labor Provider (e.g., labor agent or recruitment agency).
RBA验厂检查清单-A-劳工权益部分 - CSR Wiki
2025年1月11日 · 本文列出RBA验厂“劳工权益”的检查清单。 RBA验厂“劳工权益”章节共有6个章节,分别是强迫劳动、童工/未成年工、工时、工资福利、歧视骚扰、自由结社。
RBA 責任商業聯盟行為準則 8.0 & VAP 8.0.1 - 領導力企管
RBA 8.0 版雖然只包含5大範疇,分別是勞工(Labor)、健康與安全(Health & Safety)、環境(Environmental)、倫理規範(Ethics)、管理系統(Management System)等,但合計檢驗細項達數百項以上,企業需更加謹慎。
2020 RBA最新版-勞工 (labor)部分調整「費用定義」 | ISO 顧問 …
外勞仲介服務費一直許多準備或正在執行 RBA VAP的廠商傷腦筋的首要議題,RBA官方組織在陸續在這幾年不斷的更新「Definition of Fees (費用定義)」,讓廠商可以更明確清楚的瞭解針對「服務費處理」因應的方向。