Risk Based Data Management Solutions by GWPC
The GWPC's award-winning Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS) Initiative provides analytical tools for overseeing source water protection; oil, gas, and water production and Underground Injection Control (UIC) program activities including hydraulic fracturing operations; and mined lands remediation.
RBDMS Core - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
Rooted in over 20 years of innovation, RBDMS Core has adapted to the ever-changing needs of regulatory agencies. The functionalities highlighted below, paired with integrated workflows and data management standards, are designed to provide all of the tools necessary to maintain efficient and reliable regulatory tracking.
RBDMS Products - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
The RBDMS suite of products provide tools for all aspects of managing regulatory data related to oil, gas, underground injection control (UIC), water, and associated environmental data. RBDMS applications can be used in an integrated or stand-alone fashion; however, the benefits and power of the products are maximized when used together as an ...
RBDMS - Ground Water Protection Council
RBDMS (Risk Based Data Management System) is a suite of integrated software products that assists state agencies in the regulating, oversight and management of oil, gas and Underground Injection Control (UIC) facilities and activities.
Oil & Gas Well Database - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
The RBDMS contains comprehensive well data for over 100,000 wells permitted since 1980. Historical well card information from the Division of Geological Survey for wells permitted before 1980 has also been added to the database. RBDMS requires Microsoft Access and at least 700mb of hard drive space to run.
RBDMS is a suite of integrated, electronic data management tools with interactive modules. The system facilitates responsible development, protection, and smart management of water resources, and effective regulation. RBDMS increases efficiency through automated workflows for regulatory data processing and
Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS), FracFocus, States …
2024年3月14日 · The Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS) is a suite of integrated software products that assists state agencies in the regulating, oversight, and management of oil, gas, and Underground Injection Control (UIC) facilities and activities. It was developed by the GWPC and members states, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy.
Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS)
2020年4月27日 · The RBDMS initiative now in its 24th year, is a comprehensive data management system used by 23 state oil and gas agencies providing regulators and the regulated community management tools for water-energy sustainability.
通俗讲解关系型数据库·RDBMS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
我们之间介绍的数据库,都是“基于关系模型的数据库系统(RDBMS)”,简称关系型数据库,R是Relational的缩写。 关系型数据库,就是把数据放入表格中,这些表格可以相互关联。 它的理论提出于1970年,提出者叫做埃德拉·科德(Edgar Codd),1981年因为在数据库领域的贡献,获得 图灵奖。 1970年,科德在期刊上发表了一篇论文——《A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks (大型共享数据库的关系模型)》,首次提出关系模型,关系模型简单明了、具有坚 …
WellFinder - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
It allows users to explore oil and gas wells in multiple participating states across the nation. Users can interact with the well information on an interactive map or through a data-centric view. WellFinder includes normalized values representing well …
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