Run batted in - Wikipedia
A run batted in or runs batted in (RBI [1]) is a statistic in baseball and softball that credits a batter for making a play that allows a run to be scored (except in certain situations such as when an error is made on the play).
Runs Batted In (RBI) | Glossary - MLB.com
Runs Batted In (RBI) Definition. A batter is credited with an RBI in most cases where the result of his plate appearance is a run being scored. There are a few exceptions, however. A player does not receive an RBI when the run scores as a result of an error or ground into double play. The most common examples of RBIs are run-scoring hits.
Runs produced - Wikipedia
[1] = + Home runs are subtracted to compensate for the batter getting credit for both one run and at least one RBI when hitting a home run. Unlike runs created, runs produced is a teammate-dependent stat in that it includes Runs and RBIs, which are affected by which batters bat near a player in the batting order. Also, subtracting home runs ...
Amplifier Keying Relay Interface - DX Store
A high quality keying relay that is intended as an interface between any radio and your amplifier (RBI-1) or any radio and two amplidfiers (RBI-2). Protect your expensive transciever from high relay control voltage, voltage spikes, or excessive current draw from your amplifier. The RBI-x will key most any amplifier.
R.B.I. Baseball 2 (NES) - online game | RetroGames.cz
R.B.I. Baseball 2 is the second game in the R.B.I. Baseball series. The game features all 26 major league teams, each with a full roster of players. You can choose any National or American League team.
RadioDan.com RBI-1 Amplifier Relay Buffer Interface - eHam.net
Use ANY radio to key ANY amplifier. Draws only 0.3 ma from your radio keying circuit. This amplifier keying interface has a relay inside that is rated 7 amps at 240 VAC. It will key any amp and protect your expensive radio from excessive keying voltage and/or current. Works on both positive or negative amplifier keying voltages.
Amplifier Relay Buffer Interfaces – RadioDan
RBI-1+ – ONE radio to ONE amplifier (for POSITIVE keying voltage) RBI-1HS – ONE radio to ONE amplifeir (high sensitivity for Ranger RCi2950 and Uniden 2510 2600 or any other need that the keying circuit is keyed with a positive voltage and …
1996年8月12日 · The DHE Remote Base Interface (RBI-1) Adapts most of the Kenwood series TM-XX1 mobile radios to several supporting Repeater Controllers. All connections to the Kenwood radio are made thru the
How is 1 RBI, 2 run single possible without any errors?
2024年7月20日 · Batter scored a base hit, but only one RBI, however pitcher was scored with 2 ERs. No errors were scored for the defensive team. How is that possible? I understand the no-error call, you could say it was a tricky throw, but if the throw from 3rd was good, and throw from 1st was good, why only one RBI? What does "scores on throw" mean?
- [PDF]
rbi 6d 55.2 20 m6×1 28 5 15 10 13 11 6 rbi 8d 65 24 m8×1.25 32 5 16 12.5 16 14 8 rbi 10d 74.5 28 m10×1.25 35 6.5 18 15 19 17 10 rbi 10bd 80.5 28 m10×1.5 35 6.5 18 15 19 17 10 rbi 12d 84 32 m12×1.25 40 6.5 20 17.5 22 19 12 rbi 12bd 91 32 m12×1.75 40 6.5 20 17.5 22 19 12 rbi 14d 103 36 m14×1.5 45 8 25 20 25 22 14