RBMK - Wikipedia
The RBMK (Russian: Реактор большой мощности канальный, РБМК; reaktor bolshoy moshchnosti kanalnyy, "high-power channel-type reactor") is a class of graphite-moderated nuclear power reactor designed and built by the Soviet Union. It is somewhat like a boiling water reactor as water boils in the pressure tubes.
RBMK Reactors – Appendix to Nuclear Power Reactors
2022年2月15日 · The Soviet-designed RBMK (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosty kanalny, high-power channel reactor) is a water-cooled reactor with individual fuel channels and using graphite as its moderator. It is also known as the light water graphite reactor (LWGR).
RBMK - Energy Education
RBMK is a Soviet-designed nuclear reactor that uses enriched uranium as its fuel. It is a rather unusual design as it uses graphite as its moderator, and was designed for plutonium production—but was also used extensively for electrical generation.
The Soviet RBMK Reactor: 35 Years After The Chernobyl Disaster
2021年5月5日 · This began with the design of the RBMK (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosti kanalnyy, or “high-power channel-type reactor”), where natural uranium was chosen to avoid the cost of 235 U enrichment.
RBMK Type Reactor - Nuclear energy - Energy Encyclopedia
The RBMK type reactor (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosti kanalnyy) was developed and exclusively used in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It was based on a reactor used to produce weapons grade plutonium. In 2010, there were 12 operating RBMK …
RBMK Reactors - Стэнфордский университет
The RBMK reactor is graphite-moderated, so a core of solid graphite is responsible for slowing down fast neutrons in the reactor core. In fact, the name RBMK is a Russian acronym for "High-powered channel-type reactor".
Today 15 RBMK power reactors are produc-ing electricity in three States: 11 units in Russia, two in Ukraine, and two in Lithuania. The gross electric power rating of all but two RBMKs is 1000 MWe; the exceptions are the two units at Ignalina in Lithuania which are rated at …
Map of RBMK Reactors | Explore Nuclear
RBMK reactors are Soviet-era graphite-moderated nuclear reactors, infamously linked to Chernobyl. Find out where all RBMK reactor sites are located.
压力管式石墨慢化沸水反应炉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
压力管式石墨慢化沸水反应炉 (俄语: РБМК, 羅馬化:RBMK;全名为俄语: Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный, 羅馬化:reaktor bolshoy moshchnosti kanalnyy, 直译: 大功率管式反应炉)是一种 苏联 建造的用于 核电站 的 石墨慢化 沸水 反应堆,也是目前仍有在运行的最早的反应堆和最早的 第二代核反应堆 (第一代是那些试验性质的研究用反应堆)。 …
RBMK reactors: history, characteristics and prospects
RBMK reactors (Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy, or high-power pressure tube reactor) are a type of nuclear reactor developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s. They are best known for their association with the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.