Bevel-edge epitaxy of ferroelectric rhombohedral boron nitride …
2024年5月1日 · Here we report a facile methodology using bevel-edge epitaxy to prepare centimetre-sized single-crystal rBN layers with exact interlayer ABC stacking on a vicinal nickel surface.
Raman diffusion spectra of rBN (blue line) and hBN (black line ...
Download scientific diagram | Raman diffusion spectra of rBN (blue line) and hBN (black line) samples, where the phonon modes are labelled according to the irreducible representations of point...
Growth and characterizations of rBN crystalline films. a) Schematic …
The FWHM of the Raman E2g mode is measured to be ≈9.0 cm⁻¹. from publication: Stacking-Controlled Growth of rBN Crystalline Films with High Nonlinear Optical Conversion Efficiency up to 1 ...
Controlled stacking of boron nitride layers for ferroelectric …
2024年6月26日 · Our study combined theoretical design, experimental implementation and modelling. Through theoretical calculations and subsequent analyses, we determined that a nickel-based substrate — comprising...
Raman Spectra of boron nitride. | Download Scientific Diagram
Raman peaks are associated with the lattice vibration and hence are affected by atomic bond and chemical structure of the mate- rial. Thus, stress present in the ...
Transformation of boron nitride from cubic to hexagonal under …
2020年11月1日 · Rietveld refinements show that the as-received powders contain trace amounts of rhombohedral BN (rBN), distinguished by peaks at 41.7, 44.0 and 71.7°2θ, while the remaining low-intensity peaks belong to H 3 BO 3 (boric acid), which commonly forms when borides are exposed to moisture.
人造铁电氮化硼晶体* - iphy.ac.cn
为 全面评估所生长rBN 薄膜的质量,采用了低能电 子衍射(LEED)、紫外—可见吸收光谱(UV-vis)、 拉曼光谱(Raman)以及X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)等 多种技术进行综合表征。
中科院物理所,今日重磅Nature! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年5月2日 · 在二维介质家族中,菱形氮化硼(rBN)不仅具有六方氮化硼的优越性能,包括低介电常数和耗散,强电绝缘性,良好的化学稳定性,高导热性和无悬空键的原子平直性,而且还具有有用的光学非线性和面内和面外中心对称性的…
Cubic-to-rhombohedral transformation in boron nitride induced …
1995年4月1日 · In both cases, cBN was shown to transform to the rhombohedral phase (rBN) above 1795±80 K with characteristic Raman peaks at 790 and 1366 cm − 1 at ambient conditions. The cBN-to-rBN transformation proceeds with a characteristic time of 1 s. The temperature variation of Raman modes of rBN were measured to 1800 K.
2024年5月2日 · 在二维介质家族中,菱形氮化硼(rBN)不仅具有六方氮化硼的优越性能,包括低介电常数和耗散,强电绝缘性,良好的化学稳定性,高导热性和无悬空键的原子平直性,而且还具有有用的光学非线性和面内和面外中心对称性的界面铁电性。