C.T, C.T.D, C.T.D++ | Ocean CTD - RBR
Equipped with a pressure channel, the RBRconcerto³ C.T.D can also derive depth, density anomaly, and speed of sound. These self-contained, accurate, and autonomous submersible …
C.T, C.T.D, C.T.D++ - RBR
RBRduo³ C.T 温盐仪是建立在RBR多年海洋仪器研发经验基础上的一款温盐记录仪——数据可靠且易于使用。盐度可以通过RBR提供的Ruskin软件得到。 盐度可以通过RBR提供的Ruskin软件 …
multi-channel instrument for gliders and AUVs - RBR
The RBR legato³ C.T.D offers a new world of measurement opportunities for gliders and AUVs. Optimised for flow dynamics, the instrument requires no pump to obtain fine structure …
CTD sensor technology: RBR’s inductive conductivity cell
RBR’s inductive conductivity cell has taken its place at the forefront of high-accuracy CTD sensor technology as a proven standard that is robust, reliable, and uses a fraction of the power …
温盐深仪 RBRconcerto3_价格-RBR中国(青岛亚必锐海洋仪器设 …
RBRconcerto3 C.T.D是加拿大RBR公司设计的一款体积小巧、重量轻的温盐深记录仪,适用于海洋锚系和剖面测量。 该设备具备可靠的性能和易用性,可测量电导率、温度和深度,并能通 …
The RBR CT and CTD instruments are uniquely designed to determine salinity by measuring the conductivity and temperature of water. Their rugged inductive cell is not affected by surface …
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自容式温盐仪 - RBR
RBRconcerto³ C.T.D | fast32 32Hz剖面观测; 传感器快速响应 用户可以根据测量需要, 简单的对RBR温盐仪和温盐深仪进行最佳测量配置。大容量数据存储以及快速数据下载的功能, 使该仪 …
RBR brevio ³能够保持传感器的精度、支持32Hz的采样率、支持实时数据输出,是目前集成到水下拖体、水下潜航器(AUV)、无人船(ASV)以及水下机器人(ROV)等自行观测平台上相 …
RBRCTD温盐深剖面仪 - ctd.banrichao.cn
RBRconcerto³ C.T.D温盐深仪 是一款致力于测定盐度的数据记录仪。 盐度通过海水的电导率测量和温度测量来计算得出,同时仪器配备压力传感器,还可以获得密度和声速等参数。 适用于 …
The RBRduo³ C.T and the RBRconcerto³ C.T.D instruments facilitate optimal measurement schedules, whether moored, towed, or profiling. Both instruments come with a Wi-Fi module …