Standard Tide & Wave Loggers | Ocean Wave Sensors - RBR
Our most flexible, option-packed, single- and dual-channel loggers for tide and wave analysis. The RBR virtuoso ³ D and RBR duo ³ T.D, |tide and |wave, offer high accuracy and flexible schedules. By taking averages of pressure readings over extended …
RBRsolo³ D and RBRduet³ T.D | Tide and Wave Loggers
The RBR solo³ D and RBR duet³ T.D, |tide and |wave, take averages of pressure readings over extended periods of time, providing accurate tide level data. Intermittent and continuous wave …
Standard Loggers - RBRvirtuoso, RBRduo, RBRconcerto, RBRmaestro
Our standard instruments can integrate one to ten channels, including third-party sensors, and thus meet any of your unique requirements, be it acoustic surveys, coastal and deep ocean studies, tide and wave monitoring, tsunami warning systems, hydrography, water quality, or profiling applications.
Standard Tide & Wave Loggers - RBR
Our most flexible, option-packed, single and dual channel loggers for tide and wave analysis. Establish the best sampling regime for your measurements.
潮仪 , 是体积小、重量轻的微型记录仪。通过获取较长时间范围内�. 力数据的平均值,来提供准确的潮位数据。间歇和连续的波浪脉冲采样,可�. 获得波浪特征(波浪能量、H 1/3, T 1/3, Tave, H ave),还可捕获到一些�. 见的现�. 平均、间歇性或连续性波浪脉冲采样功能 配备| tide 和| wave 功能的RBRsolo3 D 和RBRduet3 T.D 微型潮位仪或微型波潮仪,非常适于潮汐和波浪监测。其大数据存储容量与电池容量, 能够满足用户在高采样率条件下的长周期布放需求。USB-C接口支持高 …
accurate tide level data. Intermittent and continuous wave bursts allow for obtaining wave char 1/3, T 1/3, Tave, Have) and detecting infrequent phenomena, like boat wakes.
Wave overview - docs.rbr-global.com
2017年4月21日 · The RBR tide and wave recorder is a high-precision fast-sampling pressure sensor. It is available with a range of thermally-compensated pressure transducers, which are selected to best suit your deployment depth.
Compact Tide & Wave - RBR
Our most compact, lightweight, and versatile depth, and temperature & depth loggers for wave and tide measurements.
微型温度潮位仪 RBRduet3 T.D | tide16 _价格-RBR中国(青岛亚必 …
RBRduet3 T.D|tide16是一款由加拿大RBR公司设计的小巧轻便的双通道温度潮位仪,适用于海洋、湖泊及海岸带的潮位测量。 该设备具备高精度温度和压力测量功能,支持灵活的潮位平均计算和高速采样,并具有大容量存储空间。
RBR微型温度波潮仪 水位计RBRduet³ T.D|tide16-南京聚海信息科 …
RBR Tide & Wave Loggers 微型温度波潮仪. 紧凑简洁、轻质、使用于多种深度的微型温度波潮仪: 带有潮位平均: 带有间断/连续波浪瞬时测量和潮位平均: 特点: RBR微型 温度波潮仪 水位计可以轻松灵活地为您建立合适的观测采样方案。 两种潮位记录仪都是通过计算长时间高采样频率(可达16 Hz)下的压力数据的平均值,来计算准确的潮位数据。 波浪记录仪能够实现连续或间歇的瞬时测量,使其更容易测量诸如船只尾迹数据。 大量瞬时观测数据也使得低频波更易于检 …
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