Carl Goldberg MIG 27 - RC Groups
2015年3月4日 · Through my research of the MIG 27, I found it has an interesting history. The fact that thousands of these were produced and used as target practice by the military peaked my …
MIG-27 target...FQM 117b RCMAT - RC Groups
2019年2月27日 · Many years ago the Army purchased target planes from Carl Goldberg and RS Systems to use as targets to train Army gunners to shoot down enemy aircraft. I found this one …
Carl Goldberg MIG27 Target Drone - RC Groups
2015年12月12日 · Fish scale hanging from the ceiling. The empty jet came in at 3 lbs 10 oz. The power system I'm thinking about is a Turnigy G60 motor, Turnigy 65 amp ESC and a 5s, 25C, …
MiG 27 Target Drone (Army RCMAT FQM 117 B) question - RC …
2003年6月24日 · RC Jets - MiG 27 Target Drone (Army RCMAT FQM 117 B) question - Anyone currently flying one of these (This is the foam MiG 27 with the side mounted engine {RS System, not Goldberg} without a landing gear mod?
Propjet, mig 27 target drone - RCU Forums - RC Universe
2002年11月21日 · It's the second version of the Carl Goldberg Mig 27, the first had a side mounted engine. Chicago Bill and SENECA in the used aircraft section have a bunch for sale.
Propjet, mig 27 target drone - Page 2 - RCU Forums - RC Universe
2003年6月8日 · It is just about the most powerful model I ever flew. I'm pretty sure SRAfoamflyer has one of the Goldberg Mig 27 targets (FQM117D i think). The RS target had two aluminum beams running the full length of the fuselage. At the front they were used to mount the engine, under the wing, the top L-beam was used to mount the wing.
RC JET- U.S. ARMY Mig-27 Target Drone EDF MOD Part-1 - YouTube
2022年8月16日 · #rcjet #mig #rcdemondriver Hi to all my RC Freinds, Chris AKA DemonDriver here, I wanted to share with you my Build video where I take an old U.S. Army Aerial target drone the FQM-117B to be...
Propjet, mig 27 target drone - Page 3 - RCU Forums - RC Universe
2004年1月8日 · How about some kind modelling-buddy help from those out there already flying the Goldberg MiG 27 Target drone? I'd REALLY appreciate it,.. along with a host of others asking the same info in this thread.
rc mig 27 test flight - YouTube
rc plane mig 27 kontronic 80a esc, kontronic inrunner motor 1300kv, gear box 1:5, cam 22x8 folding prop, 16000ma 6s battery ( 2x8000ma 6s).
Mig 27 - RC Groups
2007年11月19日 · Mig-27 target Drone forSale Whiskey Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W) 5 Nov 08, 2003 07:42 AM Finished Mig-27 target drone AMTJIM Fuel Plane Talk 4 Nov 24, 2002 12:20 PM