Getting rc_service log non-stop | SNBForums - SmallNetBuilder …
2023年12月22日 · I have the ASUS RT-AX88U PRO with the latest merlin firmware and this keeps going non stop in the logs, any ideas why? Mastiff: init rc_service: watchdog 2279:notify_rc stop_aae rc_service: watchdog 2279:notify_rc start_mastiff rc_service: waitting "stop_aae" via watchdog ... Just keeps looping
rc_service: ntpd_synced 3399:notify_rc restart_diskmon -> PPPoE …
2023年9月5日 · Hello! I have a problem with an Asus RT-AX86U Pro router, every time the command that produces this log "rc_service: ntpd_synced 3399:notify_rc restart_diskmon" is executed, the PPPoE connection is reset and therefore the assigned IP is automatically changed. This happens once a day. The problem...
[SOLVED-FOR REAL] rc_service: skip the event: start_firewall.
2017年1月15日 · This is an issue that cropped up recently and I am at a loss for why it is happening. When the router is restarted (method does not matter) there is something in the syslog "rc_service: skip the event: start_firewall.". Basically the firewall does not start. When this happens I can only access...
RT-AC68U rc_service: service xxxxx:notify_rc restart_letsencrypt
2018年6月2日 · My syslog is flooded with these messages, which makes the syslog pretty useless. I have turned off "Free Certificate form (not my typo) Let's Encrypt" in the DDNS setting for the moment which has stopped the issue, but since this option is enabled as default, the issue should be looked into...
help with constant log rc_service messages | SNBForums
2019年8月12日 · thanks dave nothing is going on on port 7788. in fact, im not using aimesh at all. i believe this might be related with the "illness" on this particular router. both radios are very unstable as they "take turns" to work. yesterday, after dozens of hard resets and having a 2G radio dead, i was able to bring both radios up. today, only 2G worked and 5G was dead and tons of this message appear.
Constant Log Spam "rc_service: watchdog 247:notify_rc …
2019年4月24日 · It seems like every few seconds another line is added in the Log saying "rc_service: watchdog 247:notify_rc start_cfgsync". It also seems to happen at the same time a CPU spike happens.
rc_service: ntp 259:notify_rc stop_ntpc | SNBForums
2014年12月12日 · Jan 1 05:23:11 rc_service: ntp 463:notify_rc stop_ntpc This is from today and just a small portion of it. I went into administrator settings and updated the time zone but it still reflects Jan 1.
RT-AC86U Dual Band AC2900, rc_service: watchdog 804:notify_rc …
2018年4月24日 · watchdog 804:notify_rc start_cfgsync watchdog 804:notify_rc start_cfgsync watchdog 804:notify_rc start_cfgsync watchdog 804:notify_rc start_cfgsync This occured when i added a openvpn profile from my vpn provider. When i delete profiles or reset the router it will come back. When i downgrade to Version it will not show.
Let's Encrypt Error on RT-AX88U Latest firmware | SNBForums
2020年12月18日 · same problem on ac86 u what i try: factory reset reflash firmware on off on off many stuffs about ssl and ddns ...
I am worried about the log - AC86U | SNBForums
2018年7月17日 · Every few hours I get this log, I don't notice any change in the router performance, can you tell me what is this and if should I worry that it stops every few hours and then starts again ? What does thing does ? Jul 17 10:49:14 rc_service: watchdog 757:notify_rc stop_aae Jul 17 10:49:14...