RC-XD - Call of Duty Wiki
The RC-XD (R emote C ontrolled-Explosive D evice) is a controllable killstreak in the multiplayer of Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty Online and a Scorestreak in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Call of …
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HC-XD | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
" Remote-controlled Hover-Capable Explosive Device that can perform a thrust-powered jump and drive on vertical surfaces. The HC-XD (H over C apable/ C ontrolled-e X plosive D evice) is a Scorestreak featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It functions similarly to the RC-XD from Call of Duty: Black Ops, but has hover capabilities.
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Steam Community :: NIGHTMARE :: Discussions
2021年7月30日 · Yes, in the lab there's an RC-XD. You will need to RC to both kill the doctor, and to access the parts. Unfortunately, I have not been able to grab all the pieces cuz I killed the doctor. (Dont blow up the RC until you've grabbed all 3 - you won't lose out on the ending, but you will lose out on whatever side EE uses them).
RC-XD (Object) - Giant Bomb
The RC-XD is a kill streak reward in Call of Duty: Black Ops that is earned by getting 3 kills (2 with Hardline) without dying. It is a remote controlled car that the player can drive around the map and is equipped with explosives that the player can detonate, potentially killing a nearby opponent.
Evolution of RC-XD Secret Route in Every Nuketown Map
Evolution of RC-XD Secret Route in Every Nuketown Map Join this channel to get access to perks: / @ianonymousyt Outro : Catmosphere - Blanket Fort [ Royalty free Music ] Link : • Catmosphere ...
HC-XD Paths : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2015年9月6日 · In BO1 there were many RC-XD secret paths that you could take (also in Nuketown 2025 for BO2) and even though they weren't very practical they were still really fun to explore; but there weren't any in BO2 so I'm afraid there won't be any in BO3 either.
RC-XD - CoD:BO自分用 Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
RC-XDとは、 危険な玩具 である。 爆弾を取り付けたラジコンカーを操作、射撃ボタンか30秒経過で爆発する。 操作方法は通常の移動と同じく左スティック、LTでブーストがかかる。 最初は面倒に感じるかもしれないが、慣れると小技も駆使できるようになる。 一方で欠点も目立ち、ジャマーの影響下で反応が鈍くなる、フラッシュでホワイトアウト、クレイモアにも引っ掛かるなど阻害される要素も多く、また 音がすんごく目立つ ので接近を察知されやすい。 また耐久 …
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Killstreaks / Kill Streak Rewards / Score ...
RC-XD Description: This killstreak allows you to remote control a small miniature car with explosives. The explosion is big enough to take out a few bad guys that are grouped together. The RC-XD moves really fast and can go up stairs. It can be destroyed by the enemy. Unlocked: 1200 CoD Points The RC-XD.