Why I can't move Rc4? - Chess Forums
2022年1月17日 · Perhaps this a foreign language problem? If you ran this through analysis and the move 13. Bc4 showed as a blunder. Are you trying to ask why it is a blunder because you …
Reflexmate - Wikipedia
A reflexmate is a chess problem in which White, moving first, must force Black to deliver checkmate within a specified number of moves against their will – with the added condition …
Lucena position - Chess Wiki
The Lucena position is an important rook-and-pawn endgame considered fundamental to theoretical endgame understanding. 1. Rc1 Kb7 2. Rc4 Rf1 3. Kd7 Rd1+ 4. Ke6 Re1+ 5. Kd6 …
Capablanca - Alekhine 18. ... Rc4 ! - Chess Forums
2014年7月22日 · Can you help me understand this move ? 18 ... Rc4 ! It is commented to be a good move (!) but I don't understand it and Fritz considers it slightly degrades the blacks score …
What's this number mean? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2013年4月11日 · Each NAG then has a specific meaning and often a standard typographical representation. The meanings first defined stemmed from the use of specific typographic …
Was doing Puzzles on Lichess and this one puzzle says that I
2022年11月14日 · If you take on b6 immediately, white just takes back on a4 with the bishop. Playing Rc4+ allows you to win a full rook by getting your own out of danger with tempo.
analysis - Is this position a draw? - Chess Stack Exchange
2023年10月30日 · This is known to engine chess fans as a "flatline" or "horizone", and is very suggestive of fortresses. It doesn't prove a fortress per se , but it is very suggestive. If you …
r/chess on Reddit: Kingscrusher explains why 41.Rc4 in Anand …
2014年3月27日 · 31 votes, 12 comments. 723K subscribers in the chess community. We are occasionally about chess.
Ending puzzle - All Things Chess - United States Chess Federation
2019年3月8日 · Walks King to c2, not c1. Then Black has a try with Rh4, threatening c8=Q, Rc4! forcing stalemate, but Kd3 instead of Queening followed by your suggestion.
r/chess on Reddit: Position from analysis of an old …
2019年10月30日 · 862K subscribers in the chess community. All about the game of chess, including discussions on professional tournaments, game analysis and theory. If…