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RCA Records - Wikipedia
RCA Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Group Corporation. It is one of Sony Music's four flagship labels, alongside Columbia Records (its former longtime rival), Arista Records and Epic Records.
RCA - Wikipedia
RCA Corporation was a major American electronics company, which was founded in 1919 as the Radio Corporation of America. It was initially a patent trust owned by General Electric (GE), Westinghouse, AT&T Corporation and United Fruit Company.
RCA唱片 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
RCA唱片股份有限公司(英語: RCA Records, Inc. )為美國 索尼音樂娛樂旗下的唱片廠牌。前身為「Victor Talking Machine Company」。原為博德曼旗下的唱片公司,後來被收購為索尼音樂娛樂的旗下唱片廠牌。
The history of the RCA brand: 100 years of technological innovations
RCA (Radio Corporation of America) is an iconic brand that has endured from generation-to-generation. Its timeless logo and technological advances have permeated worldwide culture as a symbol of quality and reliability. Let us take you on the journey from RCA's beginning through its technological advancements over the past 100 years.
从六家厂牌变为三大,环球索尼华纳都经历了什么? - 知乎
基本上从1988年开始,唱片行业的头部音乐公司有六家,分别是: Warner Music Group, EMI, Sony Music, BMG, Universal Music Group, 和 Polygram. 后来慢慢变成五家,变成四家,最后变成了2012年的三家: 这段时间只有一个变化,就是Polygram被Universal收购了。 唉,Polygram曾经也是一个,很辉煌很厉害的唱片公司。 来看看wikipedia的介绍: Polygram曾经是全球最大、也是历史最悠久的一个厂牌(Wiki用了was这个词我觉得画面好惨.....) 。
索尼音乐成立RCA唱片大中华分部 | 索尼音乐娱乐中国
2022 年 5月20日, 上海 – 索尼音乐娱乐 (SME) 今日宣布成立 RCA唱片的大中华分部 (RCA Records Greater China)。 新厂牌将专注于大中华地区艺人的发掘和培养,扩大公司在该地区的影响力,并投资艺人在串流媒体、电玩游戏、虚拟现实(VR)、扩增实境(AR)、NFT、元宇宙等多个 ...
About - RCA Records
We are the home of some of the most iconic artists of all time - the dreamers, the believers, the truth-tellers, the ground shakers. Powered by our legacy, it’s time to build a new generation of believers, straight-shooters, and storytellers. We amplify voices that deserve to be heard. Social impact is at the core of who we are.
RCA - Sony Music UK
RCA Label Group UK is a flagship recording label of Sony Music Entertainment encompassing RCA Records and Since 93. The company has existed since 1919 and pioneered the first ever 45rpm record. RCA has a history littered with legendary artists from Elvis Presley and David Bowie to Diana Ross, Nina Simone, Iggy Pop and Lou Reed.