rcA 5U4g we274b 5b3c几个整流管大家有比较过吗?
2020年10月12日 · 目前用得贵族之声5U4g,想升级一个整流管,不知道选哪个了。 rcA5U4g,贵族之声we274b(西电复刻版,非1:1,rcA5b3c加转接头,这3个胆整流管有试过的吗? 目前用得贵族之声5U4g,想升级一个整流管,不知道选哪个了。 我有RCA 5U4G和贵族WE274B,用在WA22上。 RCA框架很好,很中正。 贵族明显是更高阶的管子,全频都更加鲜活丰满。 但是,我在美国的入手价贵族是RCA的七八倍,不知国内怎样。 我有RCA 5U4G和贵族WE274B,用 …
音响封神榜三十:5U4系列整流管的比较 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿 …
2016年8月15日 · 5u4g:声音雄壮、开阔、透明、有劲,频率响应够宽。 5AR4: 声音清楚,细节较多,频率响应够宽,但是声音较薄,韵味较少。 CV378: 声音清楚、有韵,频率响应够宽,但是没有5U4G的声音雄厚。
Dubstep Girl's Massive 5AR4/5R4/5U4G Rectifier …
2013年12月10日 · Hauntingly beautiful tone, lots of air, great layering, transparency above the rest, and just perfect extension in both the highs and lows, deep bass, palpable, lucid midrange, holographic 3D staging and imaging (like with the WA22 and Glenn OTL, the image is very life-like and out of head unreal good at times), amazing!
RCA 5U4G Vintage Full-Wave Rectifier Vacuum Tube Tested USA
Vintage RCA 5U4G rectifier tube in excellent working condition. This rare tube is basically new old stock with little to no signs of use! * If you are located outside the US and aren’t able to place your order online, please contact us to discuss shipping quotes. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description.
RCA 5U4G - ジュピターオーディオ
RCAの5U4G コークボトルタイプの入荷です。 この真空管は整流管で、Western Electric の274B に相当するものです。 274B には憧れを持っている方も多いようですが、この1940年代のハンギングフィラメントのパンゲッタータイプは、サウンド的には肉迫していると言っても過言ではないでしょう。 このパンゲッタータイプは、GT管の5U4GB に比べると圧倒的にダンピングの効いた濃厚なサウンドです。 良く聴かなければ判断出来ないレベルではありません。 一聴にし …
RCA 5U4G - TubeDepot.com
The RCA 5U4G is nearly as good sounding as the U52 variant. RCA 5U4G are sought after for their balanced and powerful sound.
5U4G=5U4GA=5U4GB=U52=5931 Full-Wave Rectifier
RCA NOS 5U4G is one of the best sounding 5U4 tubes made and rivals the U52. Incredibly balanced and powerful! $149.99 $
5U4G @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 5U4G rectifier delivers 100 Watts of DC power. It would be used for all types of medium power equipment and was used extensively in 1940's equipment. The Westinghouse logo of this Canadian valve is clearly seen in the main image.
Best sounding 5U4G? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2016年7月23日 · I have heard the British made u52 tubes are the best, or the mullard 5u4g, but they are very expensive! For something less expensive, I've had good luck with RCA and Tung Sol 5u4gs. Reactions: qdrone
Rca 5u4gb Tube for sale - eBay
Get the best deals on Rca 5u4gb Tube when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.