Counter-IED equipment - Wikipedia
Counter-IED equipment are created primarily for military and law enforcement. They are used for standoff detection of explosives and explosive precursor components and defeating the Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) devices themselves as part of a broader counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, or law enforcement effort.
6 天之前 · Provide Counter-Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (C-RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) technology to protect ground forces operating in convoys, single vehicle operations, or fixed...
Counter RCIED Electronic Protection | Thales Group
Based on a long experience and expertise of Communications Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), Thales offers two main solutions to counter RCIEDs : The tailoring of specific training courses, support packages and Threat Cell Services provides customers additional support to enhance their missions by optimizing STORM-H capabilities.
Counter-IED efforts - Wikipedia
Counter-IED efforts are done primarily by military and law enforcement (led by intelligence efforts) with the assistance of the diplomatic and financial communities. It involves a comprehensive approach of countering the threat networks that employ improvised explosive devices (IEDs), defeating the devices themselves, and training others.
An RCIED is simply explosive material that is integrated with a handheld wireless radio or device that will trigger upon receipt of a signal from a second wireless handheld device. These RCIEDs have caused many fatalities and injuries to U.S. forces and coalition partners.
Counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (C-RCIED)
The Counter Radio-Controlled IED jamming suite, referred to as C-RCIED, consists in a stand-alone ESM\ECM system featuring advanced techniques and waveforms to counteract the RC-IED threats.
数字军火库:美国陆军电子战最新发展 - 安全内参 | 决策者的网络 …
(这是反rcied电子战系统的首字母缩写,rcied反过来代表远程控制的简易爆炸装置)。 DUKE干扰器禁用路边炸弹 但是由于现代数字电子产品的灵活性,事实证明,可以针对更广泛的目标修改CREW以进行更远距离的电子战。
CREW Duke车载电子战设备 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
简易爆炸装置 (Improvised explosive devices ),俗称IEDs,是叛乱分子使用的新型武器,在过去几年中对军队和平民造成了巨大损失。 这些设备可以由操作员在安全距离内通过遥控器从远处触发。 简易爆炸装置可以使用复杂的机械或简单的日常使用物品(例如手表或手机)制造。 IED可能会造成附带损害和伤害,因为它们可能含有比弹片、火灾和震荡爆炸造成的伤害更致命的化学物质、放射性材料和生物材料。 最近在伊拉克和阿富汗的战争中见证了 IED 的大量使用,在这些战争 …
RCIED干扰对抗技术研究 - 道客巴巴
2021年3月1日 · 其中利用无线电遥控引爆的简易爆炸物装置,被称为遥控简易爆炸装置(RCIED),含有具破坏性、致命性、毒性、爆炸性或易燃性化学物质,用以执行恐怖袭击、路边伏击、阵地守卫等活动 [1] 。 RCIED 可以使用任何材料和引信制造,极具伪装性。 其大小、工作... 2020 年第 12 期 舰 船 电 子 工 程∗ 收稿日期:2020年6月15日,修回日期:2020年7月26日作者简介:黄珏,男,博士,工程师,研究方向:电子对抗。 刘杉坚,男,博士,高级工程师,研 …
Selected aspects of effective RCIED jamming - IEEE Xplore
2012年10月9日 · One of the popular technique of detonation is triggering explosion by radio signals. These devices are called radio controlled IED (RCIED). In this article were presented various aspects which influence on effectiveness RCIED countermeasure system. At the beginning an brief overview of the IED techniques and technologies were mentioned.
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