Thumb Collateral Ligament Injury - Hand - Orthobullets
2024年1月12日 · Treatment involves anatomic repair or reconstruction which reliably restores the essential function of the collateral ligament. diagnosis made by history and physical exam (thumb MCP radial-ulnar stress exam) and confirmed with MRI studies.
Radial Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb …
While incomplete tears of the thumb RCL respond well to immobilization, complete tears should generally be treated with operative management, either direct repair or anatomic reconstruction, depending on tissue quality.
Instruct the patient to begin active range of motion (flexion and extension only) exercises of the finger without stressing the UCL/RCL repair. Educate the patient on anti‐edema management. This includes, but not limited to, self‐retrograde massage, cold therapy, and extremity elevation.
UCL repair & RCL repair (Thumb) - 네이버 블로그
2004年7月13日 · 스테너 손상 Stener lesion (인대가 끊어져도 가까이 붙어 있으면 자연적으로 인대가 붙어 회복될 수 있는데 그 사이 근육이나 연조직이 끼어있으면 인대 회복에 방해가 되는 경우를 말함)이 있을 수 있으므로 수술과 보존적 치료 사이 정확한 판단이 필요하다고 함. UCL > RCl ; 다만 incision 위치가 다를 뿐 수술과정은 비슷. 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다. Freer / mini Rongeur / Needle Holder (small) mini mallet / Drill / Juggerknot mini 1.0 Anchor.
Radial collateral ligament repair of the thumb: long-term
2020年6月4日 · Long-term follow-up has proven that surgical repair of RCL enables the patient to regain adequate stability and strength of the MCP-1 joint and minimizes disability. Predictive risk factors of pain persistency after surgery are surgical delay and palmar subluxation of …
Radial collateral ligament repair of the thumb: long-term ... - PubMed
Long-term follow-up has proven that surgical repair of RCL enables the patient to regain adequate stability and strength of the MCP-1 joint and minimizes disability. Predictive risk factors of pain persistency after surgery are surgical delay and palmar subluxation of the MCP-1 joint.
These patients, pain and instability can be helped by repair or reconstruction of the RCL. If there is arthritis in the thumb MP joint then arthrodesis rather than repair of the RCL will be needed.
Patients should stay away from high power pinch until 14-16 weeks . ** Each patient will have a variety of outcomes. Treatment and protocol may differentiate due to severity of injury**
Complete disruption of the RCL (Grade III) can result in both static and dynamic instability hence it is preferably treated surgically. The purpose of this study is to assess the outcome of RCL injury repair of thumb in our population.
Collateral ligament repair for Proximal, dislocation
When ligament repair is necessary, the surgeon should be aware of 3 guiding principles: know precisely where the lesion is; be familiar with the approach and the local anatomy; minimize any soft-tissue dissection. It is wise to use magnifying loupes throughout the procedure.