Representative Concentration Pathway - Wikipedia
The RCP 6.0 scenario uses a high greenhouse gas emission rate and is a stabilisation scenario where total radiative forcing is stabilised after 2100 by employment of a range of technologies and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 6.0 W/m 2 refers to the radiative forcing reached by 2100.
气候预测中RCP与SSP之对比 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
RCP2.6是温室气体浓度非常低的情景模式 (Van Vuuren et al., 2011)。 辐射强迫顶点约为3 W\cdot m^ {-2},2100年降至2.6 W\cdot m^ {-2},此时 CO_2 浓度为421 ppm, CH_4 浓度低于2000 ppb, N_2O 浓度334 ppb。 在此期间,全球范围内能源利用类型的改变,使温室气体排放显著减少,RCP2.6是全球作物面积增加最大的排放情景。 2. SSPs.
Climate Model: Temperature Change (RCP 2.6) - 2006 - 2100
2013年11月17日 · The RCP 2.6 scenario is a so-called "peak" scenario, which means the radiative forcing level reaches 3.1 W/m 2 by mid-century but returns to 2.6 W/m 2 by 2100. In this imagery, if temperature is colored red, it is predicted to be higher than the 20th century average; if it is blue, then it is predicted to be lower than average.
代表性濃度路徑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
代表性濃度路徑 (Representative Concentration Pathway,簡稱RCP)是IPCC採用的 溫室氣體 濃度(而非排放)軌跡。 IPCC於2014年發佈 第五次評估報告 (AR5)中所採用的四種路徑進行氣候建模及研究。 這些路徑用來描述不同的 氣候變化情景,這些情景都被認為有可能發生,取決於往後各年全球排放的 溫室氣體 數量。 RCP(最初設定有RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6和RCP8.5四種路徑)以2100年當時可能的 輻射強迫 值程度(分別為2.6、4.5、6和8.5瓦/平方 …
代表性浓度路径 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
代表性浓度路径 (Representative Concentration Pathway,简称RCP)是IPCC采用的 温室气体 浓度(而非排放)轨迹。 IPCC于2014年发布 第五次评估报告 (AR5)中所采用的四种路径进行气候建模及研究。 这些路径用来描述不同的 气候变化情景,这些情景都被认为有可能发生,取决于往后各年全球排放的 温室气体 数量。 RCP(最初设定有RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6和RCP8.5四种路径)以2100年当时可能的 辐射强迫 值程度(分别为2.6、4.5、6和8.5瓦/平方 …
IPCC的RCP2.6 、RCP4.5、 RCP8.5三类情景都各自代表了什么意思
RCP2.6 、 RCP4.5 和 RCP8.5 是代表不同的温室气体排放路径的情景模型,它们是被用来预测气候变化及其影响的。 这些情景是由国际气候变化研究社区为第五次 IPCC (政府间气候变化专门委员会)评估报告开发的。 每个RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway,代表性浓度路径)对应于特定的大气浓度轨迹,这决定了在本世纪末大气中的温室气体水平。 RCP2.6:这是最乐观的情景之一,它假设全球社会能够采取强有力的减排措施,并且在本世纪中叶左右实现温室 …
RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean ... - Springer
2011年8月5日 · The RCP2.6 emission and concentration pathway is representative of the literature on mitigation scenarios aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to 2°C. These scenarios form the low end of the scenario literature in terms of …
RCP Database (version 2.0): - International Institute for Applied ...
The RCP database aims at documenting the emissions, concentrations, and land-cover change projections of the so-called "Representative Concentration Pathways" (RCPs). Information about the RCPs and the scenario development process for the IPCC AR5 can be found in the IPCC Expert Meeting Report on New Scenarios and Moss et al. (2010) .
This paper summarizes the development process and main characteristics of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), a set of four new pathways developed for the climate modeling community as a basis for long-term and near-term modeling experiments.
Representative Concentration Pathways - Canada
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) projections make use of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), which are designed to provide plausible future scenarios of anthropogenic forcing spanning a range from a low emission scenario characterized by active mitigation (RCP 2.6), through two intermediate scenarios (RCP 4.5 ...