procedure to show floor plan as RCP underlay?
2017年10月23日 · For example, when you are looking at the RCP and you see a toilet you know you are in a bathroom, and you can confirm that a pot light is placed over the stall correctly. I think I have an acceptable workaround. e.g. working on main floor rcp . …
Callout not visible in RCP - Autodesk Community
2015年5月26日 · I think it may have to do with your view discipline. Make sure both the views are set to the same discipline (or at least "Coordination"). For example, if the overall RCP view's discipline is set to "Architectural" and the enlarged RCP view's discipline is set to "Structural" the enlarged callout will not show on the overall RCP. Attached is an ...
Chaging floor plan view to ceiling view in a subview - Autodesk …
2021年2月3日 · Create a new RCP Plan for that level; Assign the View Template you created above to the new RCP Plan. You'll need to change a pulldown option to see that template. If you plan on using the View Template because you have multiple floors/views, then re-define the view template for convenience. It'll re-associate with RCPs as opposed to Floor Plans.
Cannot place room tags in reflected ceiling plan - Autodesk …
2018年3月14日 · The room that was removed from the first floor was not in the available list of rooms on the RCP. Going back to the first floor plan, I was able to place the room back in the model but, it still does not show up in the reflected ceiling plan...
Solved: RCP (Ceiling Plans) - Autodesk Community
2019年1月3日 · No walls for RCP view when using a Construction Template, but works fine with Architectural Template. Takes about 1 minutes to test this, just open Revit, start a new project, place the walls, and go over to the Ceiling Plan Level 1 (same level as the walls). The walls will NOT show in the Construction Template project. Did confirm same RCP view
Show Path to Travel on multiple Floor, RCP Plan Views.
2024年6月12日 · Say, I have a "Level 1 Code Compliance" Floor Plan view with Path to Travel visible on it. I want to show the same Path to Travel on "Level 1 Open Spaces" Floor Plan view and "Level 1 RCP" Reflected Ceiling Plan. Is it possible, if yes, How? Thank you.
electrical/power plans on an rcp - Autodesk Community
2007年10月31日 · In teh view properties you can set the underlay to display the RCP above the floor plan. Type VP (view Properties) in the Floor Plan level you want to display the RCP and select the Underlay parameter and select the same level. In the Underlay Orientation parameter below the Underlay parameter select the RCP plan versus the Floor Plan.
Ducts Not Displaying in RCP Plan Region - Autodesk Community
2016年1月7日 · When creating a plan region in an RCP, the ducts do not display but the fittings sometimes do. I am confident that the view range is set up correctly in the plan region and that the ducts and fittings are connected and at the same elevations. Has anyone encountered this and is it correctable? I am using Revit 2015 UR10.
Solved: Ceiling Plan not showing up - Autodesk Community
2021年3月8日 · Hi all, I'm having an issue creating a Reflected Ceiling Plan in Revit (Revit 2021 Student Version). I created the floor plans for that project and even added a ceiling (in floor plan view) but when I click on Level 1 ceiling plan in the Project Browser nothing shows up.
Camera annotation symbol orientated differently from RCP to …
2021年5月27日 · We need to be able to place camera annotations (within a camera model family which is face based, this is to handle the views better) on the RCP & adjust them there, but the annotation flips from the RCP compared to the regular floor plan. I noticed that when I recreate our camera model/annotation families in 2022, the issue goes away, but I need this solution to also work ...