Home - RCR Arquitectes
Creative architectural atelier founded in 1988 in Olot by Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta. Open architecture laboratory space to develop creative research and transversality.
Tossols Basil Athletics Stadium / RCR Arquitectes - ArchDaily
2017年3月1日 · Completed in 2000 in Olot, Spain. Images by Hisao Suzuki, Ramon Prat, Simon Garcia. The athletics track presents the act of running in the middle of nature, in the spirit of the first Olympic ...
Inicio - RCR Arquitectes
Taller creativo de arquitectura nacido en 1988 en Olot de la mano de Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramon Vilalta. Espacio de laboratorio de arquitectura abierto para desarrollar la investigación y la transversalidad creativas.
普利兹克奖得主RCR的5个作品 – 有方
Tossols Basil Athletics Stadium, Olot, Girona by RCR ... - gooood
gooood是中国第一影响力与最受欢迎的建筑/景观/设计门户与平台。 坚信设计与创意将使所有人受益,传播世界建筑/景观/室内佳作与思想;赋能创意产业链上的企业与机构。
Barberi Space, Olot - RCR Arquitectes | Arquitectura Viva
The studio of RCR Arquitectes in Olot, Gerona, has been under transformation over more than one decade. In 2004 the architects bought the old Barberí foundry building, then in ruins, with the objective of transforming it gradually into a workspace through minimal interventions designed to reorganize and stabilize the existing volumes.
RCR Arquitectes - Olot (Girona), Spain - Architects
RCR ARQUITECTES treballa amb uns col·laboradors habituals en projectes propers al seu entorn, i a la seva vegada amb equips pluridisciplinars quan la localització del projecte o l'abast del mateix, ho requereix. Investiguen temes estructurals i constructius que donin suport a la naturalesa de l'arquitectura en cada obra.
Estadio de atletismo y pabellón 2x1, Olot - RCR Arquitectes
RCR Arquitectes España El estudio de RCR Arquitectes en Olot, Gerona, lleva más de una década en transformación. En el año 2004, los arquitectos adquieron la antigua fundición Barberí, en estado ruinoso, con el objetivo de reconvertirla progresivamente en su espacio de tra
Les Cols Boutique Hotel, Olot - RCR Arquitectes
RCR Arquitectes Spain A captivating landscape asks for a panoramic house. This house, suspended and calm, looks over the views from its vantage point on the edges of Olot. Access is through a void between the two parallel volumes of the project.
Row House RCR Arquitectes - World-Architects
In the architects’ home town, a new house was inserted into the space between two walls when an old house was removed. The main façade has been preserved, as required by the town for heritage purposes, and the new house is conceived as a single space with “floating” platforms at different levels to create the interior living spaces.