RCV-1000 (LV) - Celadon
The RCV-1000 is a low volume 38KHz external receiver module. The RCV-1000 receiver has a 2 meter cable with a 3.5mm stereo jack connector. It specifically designed to be used as an external receiver for the RCV-5000 IR/RS232 receiver.
Honda RCV1000R - Wikipedia
The Honda RCV1000R was a road racing motorcycle developed to race in the Open class of the MotoGP world championship for the 2014 season. It was basically a simplified "production racer" version of the RC213V that non-Motorcycle Sport Manufacturers Association (MSMA) teams could enter in the Open class. [1]
Honda | RCV1000R 始動 | STEP1 RCV1000Rとは? - 本田技研工業 ...
そして、RCV1000Rのバンク角90度V型4気筒エンジンは、バルブスプリング方式で最高出力175kW以上/16,000rpmを発生し、トランスミッションにはコンベンショナル方式を採用しています。 ライダー1名あたりに供給されるパッケージは、マシン2台とスペアエンジン2基です。 これらのエンジンをメンテナンスし合計12サイクル使用することにより、年間12基というオープンカテゴリー用のレギュレーションに対応しています。 Hondaが参戦しているモータースポー …
OEM Remote Control and Receiver Products - Celadon
All of the OEM/ODM receiver products have a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of at least 1,000 pieces. Higher minimum order requirements might be required, depending on a specific enclosure or product feature. For applications less than 1000 pieces, please see the Low Volume Remote Control Products.
RCV-1000 - Celadon
The RCV-1000 is an external receiver enclosure. It can be configured to decode IR protocols based on carrier frequency. The cable length and cable connector can be specified per application.
High Power Piezo Amplifiers for 1000 Volt Piezos - Piezosystem
hpower - RCV 1000/7. Highest power for dynamic operations; For large actuators; Output current: 7 A; Output voltage: 0 ... 1000 V; For actuators with 2 µf capacity and higher; Bandwidth: 2,000 Hz
PIEZOSYSTEM JENA模拟开关放大器RCV - celiss.com
高压开关放大器 RCV 1000/3 专为动态使用 piezosystem jena 的压电复合材料执行器或其他电容负载至少为 0.6 µF 的电容性负载而设计。RCV 1000/3 产生高达1000 V的输出电压和3 A的输出电流。开关放大器 RCV 1000/3 用作具有能量回收功能的放大器。
rcv-800r・1000・1250 rncv-1501r モーターをボディ側面に水平に取付けたベーシックな大形対応モデル。 強力油圧クランプ機構を内蔵しています。 0 rcv-1250r 仕 様 単位:mm 他メーカーサーボモーター p.66
Model RCV 1000 Manufacturer identification Manufacturer Aico S.r.l. Via Consorzio Agrario, 3/D - 25032 Chiari (BS) - Italy T. + 39 030 7402939 [email protected] www.ravelligroup.it Reference standards The stoves RCV 1000 that this manual refers to are compliant with the regulation: 305/2011, CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT REGULATION and the following ...
RCV 1000 - Ravelli
Home / RCV 1000. Back to the list RCV 1000. Ducted pellet fireplace. Flow . Thermal power: 4,2 - 8,4 kW; Heats up to: 240 m 3 (about 89 m 2) Burn time: 8 - 15 h; Coating and colour: steel; Black. Find dealer. Technical specifications; Technologies; Description; Certifications; Download; Technical specifications ...