DVLs (Doppler Velocity Logs) at Teledyne Marine
Our navigation product line provides a wide range of precision Doppler navigation solutions for acad emic, commercial, and def ense applications. Our Doppler velocity logs (DVLs) have …
DVL and up to 500 m with the 300 kHz DVL, delivering the high accuracy that Teledyne RDI is best known for. • Water tracking standard with all systems: Extends operability by enabling …
Tasman DVL - Teledyne Marine
Teledyne RDI’s new Tasman DVL represents the next generation of DVL technology, taking your navigation to the next level. Teledyne RDI’s long-standing Workhorse Navigator was the first …
Teledyne RDI Wayfinde
Find your way with Teledyne RDI’s new Wayfinder DVL... Weighing in at just .5 kg in water, the Wayfinder DVL is about to change everything. Historically, the awesome navigational power of …
Teledyne RDI Doppler Velocity Logs - The Teledyne Marine Channel
Product line director, Teledyne RDI - Grant Jennings, presents the Wayfinder DVL and the Tasman DVL from the Teledyne RDI Doppler Velocity Log product range. Learn more about …
Teledyne RDI 多普勒流速计 Pathfinder DVL 探路者多普勒速度仪
Teledyne RD Instruments的探路者多普勒速度仪(DVL)体积小,价值巨大! 利用Teledyne RDI久经考验的行业领先的相控阵技术,探路者DVL提供了一系列先进的内部算法和功能,您 …
Wayfinder DVL多普勒计程仪-中海海洋工程装备(天津)有限公司
2023年9月6日 · TRDI已经为全球提供5000 套DVL,为各种尺寸的水下潜器提供了导航和定位信息。 现在,这方面的经验和技术被应用到了Wayfinder这款产品中。 它是一款袖珍型的DVL,旨 …
多普勒计程仪 - wedynamics.com.cn
Pioneer DVL 将 TRDI 品牌成熟的底跟踪检测算法、单 ping 底部定位精度与宽带速度处理技术相结合,为用户提供高度可靠的精确速度数据,用于导航和定位处理,即使在不平坦的地形上也是 …
Pathfinder DVL - Teledyne Marine
Teledyne RD Instruments’ highly compact 600 kHz Pathfinder DVL is small in size and huge on value. Derived from Teledyne RD Instrumets long-standing, highly reliable DVL technology, …
Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) The WORKHORSE NAVIGATOR is the industry’s first choice for precision navigation applications. Teledyne RDI’s highly ac-claimed Doppler Velocity Log …
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