RDL vs SLDL - Starting Strength
2011年6月10日 · The RDL starts with a hips back motion keeping the bar agains the leg until it passes the knee, and then staying against the leg again on the way back up. This puts more of a focus on the hamstrings. The SLDL keeps the bar out in …
RDL vs SLDL - Page 2 - Starting Strength
2011年6月10日 · RDL's start at the TOP, as you slide the weight down you stretch hamstrings creating a stretch reflex making it inherently different from a "DEAD" lift. Both variants use a higher hips position than normal deadlifts, for SLDL's legs are nearly totally straight but just unlocked, for a lot of people however this will look very similar to a RDL.
RDL vs SLDL and HLM - Starting Strength
2018年1月31日 · The exercises ability to make you sore is largely dependent on how much eccentric loading there is. In the SLDL there is very little eccentric loading in the RDL there is a HUGE amount. This is what causes the DOMS. Because of that SLDL can be trained heavier and with more volume and less DOMS.
Romanian Deadlift, SLDL and Good Mornings: Reps, Weight and …
2011年6月2日 · Romanian Deadlift, SLDL and Good Mornings: Reps, Weight and "Stressfulness" In your book you've said the following (at least I think I remember seeing this): 1) If you can't squat 300 you have no business doing good mornings, and …
Stiff legged deadlift or back extension instead of gluta-ham raise
2013年2月23日 · Considering they utilize the same movement I can't see that there is any difference. Except for using a bar during SLDL and being positioned in a bench during the BE. I have got the impression that the SLDL is seen more as an assistance exercise to the deadlift rather than active recovery in substitute of pulling exercises.
New Blog Post - GM vs RDL vs SLDL - startingstrength.com
2014年1月27日 · New Blog Post - GM vs RDL vs SLDL; Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 13
RDL vs SLDL - startingstrength.com
2011年6月11日 · RDL's start at the TOP, as you slide the weight down you stretch hamstrings creating a stretch reflex making it inherently different from a "DEAD" lift. Both variants use a higher hips position than normal deadlifts, for SLDL's legs are nearly totally straight but just unlocked, for a lot of people however this will look very similar to a RDL.
Stiff-Leg Deadlift vs. RDL - Starting Strength
2008年3月3日 · This really dealt with extensively in the book in over 9 pages, fully illustrated, so I am on record about how they are both valuable. There is a lot of misunderstanding in these articles about what exactly the RDL and the SLDL are, how they should be done, and what happens when they are done this way.
Rack Pulls or RDL? - Starting Strength
2010年3月16日 · I would do full deadlifts, but anything above 220kg for a set of 5 leaves me completely fatigued. RDL's are super mild, and I can recover in a day from them, and I guess rack pulls are the same. Also, is there any need to do the halting deadlifts? since I am only doing them as a means to get strong for o-lifting, and not a powerlifter as such.
Why SLDL over RDL? - Starting Strength
2012年5月2日 · SLDL: Starts from floor or below (ie standing on mats, box, etc) RDL: Starts from the hang. I always thought of the RDL as a movment specifically designed to strengthen the second pull in an o-lift, so range of motion would stop somewhere around the knee or just below. Alot of the times I w