The RDR-4B system provides weather avoidance with turbulence detection, windshear detection and ter-rain mapping modes of operation. Solid-state circuit design and the use of state of the art components enable the RDR-4B system to provide higher stan-dards of performance and reliability than have ever been achieved in previous weather radar ...
Radar Corner: Airborne Windshear Detection, Part One
2019年7月21日 · Honeywell introduced its RDR-4B Weather Radar, featuring 17 DSPs dedicated to windshear processing, or the equivalent processing power of a Cray-1 Supercomputer. FLWS systems work on the same Doppler principle used in turbulence detection radars.
RDR-4B - Radartutorial
RDR-4B was operating in X band airborne navigation and weather radar with forward-looking windshear detection. Two antenna sizes were available. Honeywell introduced later the first weather radar featuring an automatic antenna tilt computation named “Autotilt”. The radar was certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 1995.
波音气象雷达RDR-4B training培训课件 - 百度文库
rdr-4b是一部工作在x波段,具有前视风切变探测功能的气 象雷达。 它主要实现以下功能: • 对飞机中心线左右90°,前方320NM内的天气情况的探测 和定位。
Radar Corner - Honeywell Aerospace
2019年9月30日 · With the RDR-4B, engineers had several options. They ended up using what they called an “upper bar scan” to validate that there was a rain shaft above the outflow causing the microburst. Because the airport is on an island, it won’t ever have a dry microburst scenario, so engineers could also look at the location and adjust the system ...
波音气象雷达RDR-4B-training培训.ppt 62页 - 原创力文档
2023年8月17日 · Antenna Tilt Adjustment Arts ;RDR-4B Basics;RDR-4B是一部工作在X波段,具有前视风切变探测功能的气象雷达。 它主要实现以下功能: 对飞机中心线左右90°,前方320NM内的天气情况的探测和定位。
RDR-4B doppler weather radar with forward looking wind shear …
1992年9月1日 · RDR-4B doppler weather radar with forward looking wind shear detection capability The topics are presented in viewgraph form and include the following: Bendix/King atmospheric transport and dispersion (ATAD) position; RDR-4A technical baseline; RTA-4A characteristics; RDR-4 antenna characteristics; modification of RDR-4A to RDR-4B; RDR-4A ...
RDR-4B Radar System User Manual - studylib.net
User manual for the Honeywell RDR-4B weather radar system. Includes operating instructions, guidelines, and antenna stabilization information.
波音气象雷达rdr-4b training培训课件 - 豆丁网
RDR-4B maintenance training. 21 PPT学习交流. 4. 音频抑制离散信号(如果风切变功能激活) 这些离散信号用于指示音频警告输出是否激活. • 预探测风切变音频警告被反应式风切变警告和失速警告抑. 制. • 预探测风切变音频警告抑制TCAS,GPWS或其他FWC警告。 RDR-4B ...
波音气象雷达RDR-4B training培训ppt课件 - 百度文库
RDR-4B是一部工作在X波段,具有前视风切变探测功能的 气象雷达。 它主要实现以下功能: • 对飞机中心线左右90°,前方320NM内的天气情况的探测 和定位。 Illuminated slice of the thunderstorm. • 1. Beam Width for RDR-4B is 3 degrees • 2. GAIN should be set to AUTO/CAL most of the time • 3. Antenna Tilt Adjustment Arts. ©2022 Baidu.