Weather Radar 4000 – INTUVUE 3-D Weather Hazard and …
The RDR-4000 is the first member of this new radar family. As the first totally new design in onboard weather radars for commercial aircraft in 40 years, IntuVue improves strategic rerouting and tactical maneuvering using state-of-the-art technologies that enable pilots to find the most efficient route, improving fuel efficiency and passenger ...
RDR-4000M 3D Weather Radar System | Honeywell - Honeywell …
The RDR-4000M 3D Weather Radar System is the most recent addition to Honeywell’s family of advanced airborne weather radar systems. This industry leading weather radar technology utilizes a patented 3D volumetric buffer to provide greater passenger and crew safety and comfort, increased efficiency, and enhanced performance through better ...
IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System | Honeywell
RDR-4000 uses 3-D volumetric scanning and pulse compression technologies to provide a complete view of the weather from 0 to 60,000 feet across a 320 nm detection range. Weather analysis features help pilots better understand weather hazards and calculate the best strategic and tactical responses.
View and Download Honeywell IntuVue RDR-4000 pilot's manual online. 3-D Automatic Weather Radar System with Forward Looking Windshear Detection. IntuVue RDR-4000 radar pdf manual download.
RDR-4000 - Radartutorial
RDR-4000 is operating in the X band airborne navigation and weather radar. The radar uses a low power solid state transmitter and pulse compression technology. It includes high-resolution ground mapping, Doppler beam sharpened precision ground …
IntuVue RDR-4000三维气象雷达系统 - Honeywell
IntuVue RDR-4000是霍尼韦尔先进气象雷达系统家族的成员。IntuVue自动以17个倾斜角度扫描天空,这是业内较多的,并通过直观显示向飞行员提供天气的三维视图。IntuVue可帮助运营商: 节省资金并提高实时性能:IntuVue有助于更有效地绕过天气危险。早期用户表示可 ...
IntuVue三维气象雷达系统助您提升飞行安全 - 网易
2023年1月31日 · 霍尼韦尔IntuVue RDR-4000和RDR-7000气象雷达通过连续扫描飞机前方从地面到6万英尺(约1.8万米)高空以及+/-60°视角内的空域收集数据。 三维立体扫描数据收集保存后,系统会根据地球曲率进行校正,以确保为飞行员提供真实的MSL(平均海平面)高度。
The RDR-4000 is the first member of this new radar family. As the first totally new design in onboard weather radars for commercial aircraft in 40 years, IntuVue improves strategic rerouting and tactical maneuvering using state-of-the-art technologies that enable pilots to find the most efficient route for improved
The RDR-4000 represents a significant development in radar technology, and is the first clean sheet radar design to be implemented in 30 years, with a host of advantages over existing market offerings. Table 1 below shows how the RDR-4000 addresses some of the limitations of 2D weather radar design. The limitations of 2D radar
Introducing IntuVue® RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar Systems – Honeywell’s family of advanced 3D weather radar systems for air transport, business and military aircraft. Adverse weather costs the aerospace industry billions of dollars each year through delays, cancellations, diversions, turbulence and severe storm activity.
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