Red Dead Redemption - Rockstar Games
Explore the American West and Mexico in Red Dead Redemption and its zombie-horror companion, Undead Nightmare.
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Red Dead Redemption includes new features to bring the game to life on PC, with HDR lighting, native 4K resolution at up to 144hz on supported hardware, monitor support for Ultrawide (21:9) and Super Ultrawide (32:9), adjustable draw distances, shadow quality settings, and more. The developers describe the content like this:
Red Dead Redemption - Wikipedia
Red Dead Redemption is a 2010 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games. A successor to 2004's Red Dead Revolver, it is the second game in the Red Dead series. Red Dead Redemption is set during the decline of …
Red Dead Redemption(2010年Rockstar Games发行的游戏)_百度百科
《Red Dead Redemption》简称RDR,是Rockstar San Diego工作室制作, Rockstar Games 发行的游戏。 游戏中述说前罪犯约翰·马斯顿因联邦探员以其家人性命相要挟,而被迫前往美国边境协助执法的故事 [1]。 2016年7月5日,Rockstar Games宣布《Red Dead Redemption》将于7月8日加入微软的Xbox One向下兼容计划行列 [11];7月8日,该游戏已可在Xbox One上游玩 [12]。 2023年8月17日,该作及其DLC《不死梦魇》以同捆包的形式登陆Nintendo Switch …
All Mods - Red Dead Redemption 1 (PC) - RDR2Mods.com
2024年12月16日 · By K3rhos in All Mods Updated Saturday at 06:34 PM
Red Dead Redemption Nexus - Mods and community
Project Cam RDR1 Você já se irritou com a câmera se afastando ao correr no cavalo? Esse mod é a solução definitiva! No jogo original, ao segurar Shift, a câmera se move para frente, ampliando o campo de visão (FOV) e deixando o cavalo menor na tela.
Red Dead Wiki | Fandom
Red Dead Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. The wiki is a comprehensive database for all things related to Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption, such as gameplay, characters, weapons, locations, achievements, activities, hunting and more!
Red Dead Redemption - Download
2024年10月11日 · Red Dead Redemption is set against the backdrop of the fading American frontier in the year 1911 and follows the gripping narrative of John Marston, a former outlaw whose family is held hostage by government agents. To secure their release, Marston embarks on a perilous journey to track down and bring to justice three members of his former gang.
RDR1 Map | Map Genie
Red Dead Redemption 1 Interactive Map - Collectibles, Fast Travel Locations, Treasure, Stranger Missions, Legendary Animal Locations, Rare Weapons, Plants & more! Use the progress tracker to get 100%!
Red Dead Redemption - Nexus Mods
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