Tracking RDT&E and O&M Funding by the use of Separate CLIN's
2019年1月9日 · I.e. If you can fund Test with RDT&E, AF 3600, or O&M, AF 3400, on the same CLIN or do you need separate CLINs? (Test is normally 3600 or 3400 requirement.) 2.) Can CLINs with Informational-subCLINs be funded with …
RDT&E - Contract Award Process - The Wifcon Forums and Blogs
2011年8月11日 · OPA appropriation is used for investment items/systems that exceed the $250K threshold. RDT&E appropriation is used for both expenses and investment items that involve research and development (R&D) type activities (no threshold). This seems to me that they are authorized to use RDT&E funding. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your help.
FY 10 RDT&E Funding - Contract Pricing Including CAS
2011年9月24日 · In the case of the original poster?s FY 10 RDT&E funds I believe the poster is correct and September 30, 2011 is the outward bound on the performance period. Nothing in the GAO letter suggests that there?s authority separate from the cited statutes (which GAO concludes don?t apply to no-year or multiple-year funds) to fund performance of ...
Non-Severable services and Incremental Funding - Contract ...
2008年12月10日 · For example, I have a non-severable services R&D contract that was awarded in FY07 for $500,000. CLIN 0001 (base effort) was funded in the amount of $78,000 at contract award using FY07 RDT&E funds. A few days ago I recieved a MIPR from the customer to incrementally fund CLIN 0001 using FY08 RDT&E funds in the amount of $200,000.
BAA and RDT&E Budget Activities - Contract Award Process - The …
2011年9月6日 · DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoD 7000.14-R), Volume 2B, Chapter 5 paragraph 050201 provides six detailed definitions of RDT&E budget activities, with budget activity 1 being basic research and budget activity 2 being applied research.
RDT&E Appropriation for A&AS - Contract Administration - The …
2013年1月10日 · #1- Para. G. Budget Activity 6, RDT&E Management Support. This budget activity includes research, development, test and evaluation efforts and funds to sustain and/or modernize the installations or operations required for …
Contract funding - Contract Administration - The Wifcon Forums …
2009年10月27日 · In answer to your question, it is possible. Generally, a task order should be funded with the appropriation appropriate to the work. If the work is RDT&E, then it should be funded with RDT&E funds. It's odd that a task order should go from operations and maintenance to RDT&E, but I suppose it's possible.
Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Can I use BA 6.5 funds to …
2024年12月21日 · Here is the issue: This agency gets Budget Authority (BA) 6.5 (RDT&E) funding. Question: Can this DOD agency award against the BAA using BA 6.5 RDT&E funds. The push back: Apparently a BAA can only be used for BA …
Fee Limitations - Contract Pricing Including CAS & Allowable Costs ...
2011年8月5日 · I work for a government contractor, and have been asked whether a CPFF supplies and services contract that includes development activities must be funded with RDT&E funds (for the development activities) to permit proposing fee in excess of 10% on those development activities. Thanks for your help.
Fully Fund Policy - Contract Administration - The Wifcon Forums …
2010年2月11日 · RDT&E funds are available for new obligations for 2 years; procurement funds are available for new obligations for 3 years. At the end of these times, the funds "expire" and may not be used for new obligations, however, all of these types of funds may be obligated after they have expired under certain specified circumstances, such as to pay for ...