Ram - Re:Zero Wiki | Fandom
Ram (ラム) is Rem's sister and one of the twin maids working for Margrave Roswaal L. Mathers. She played a supporting role in Arc 2, Arc 4, and Arc 6, as well as a lesser supporting role in …
Ram - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Ram is a major character in the 2014 Japanese dark fantasy light novel series Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World and its 2014 manga & 2016 anime television series adaptations of the …
Ram (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) - MyAnimeList.net
Ram is one of the twin maids working for Roswaal L Mathers. She is seemingly self centered and does things at her own pace, however, in actuality she maintains a distance from people to …
从零开始的异世界生活 - 角色信息 - GitHub Pages
拉姆(ラム,[Ram]) 鬼族,罗兹瓦尔宅邸工作的双胞胎女仆的姐姐,特征是红发与左刘海。 不擅长料理,对罗兹瓦尔绝对忠诚与爱慕,拥有操纵风的能力。
List of Re:Zero characters - Wikipedia
One of the demons who work at Roswaal's mansion as maids, Ram is Rem's twin sister. She has pink hair which she wears parted on the right. Together, the twins often make sarcastic …
Ram/Image Gallery | Re:Zero Wiki | Fandom
Re:Zero -DEATH OR KISS-Re:Zero -INFINITY-Re:Zero Prophecy of the Throne; Re:Zero Lost in Memories; Re:Zero Forbidden Book and the Mysterious Spirit
雷姆 (角色) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雷姆[註 2](日语:レム, 罗马字:Rem) 是 長月達平 所作的 日本 輕小說 作品《Re:從零開始的異世界生活》中登場的 鬼族 少女,是 雙胞胎 女僕 拉姆 的妹妹 [11]。 截至2016年,雷姆是 …
Ram - Re:Zero / Re:Zero / Anime - Otapedia - Tokyo Otaku Mode
Ram is a maid in the Mathers mansion along with her twin sister Rem. She is an oni with red-pink eyes and medium length light pink hair that normally covers her left eye.
Re0中文wiki. Make Re0 Great Again! 一个专门介绍长月达平的Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活轻小说以及由其衍生的漫画、动画、游戏等的中文wiki
《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》是轻小说家 长月达平 著作、插画家大冢真一郎负责插画、 MF文库J 所属的轻小说。 繁体中文版由 青文出版社 发行,简体中文版由 天闻角川 发行,并授 …