Home | Rocket Factory Augsburg
We build the best rocket for the lowest costs – our RFA ONE. Our Helix staged combustion engine is revolutionary. We maximize cost-savings by using serial production, just like automotive manufacturing. We position your payload exactly where you want it to be. Our last-mile delivery service takes care of any mission profile.
Rocket Factory Augsburg - Wikipedia
Rocket Factory Augsburg AG (RFA) is a German NewSpace start-up located in Augsburg. It was founded in 2018 with the mission to build rockets just like cars. [1][2] Its multistage rocket, RFA One, is currently under development.
Rocket Factory Augsburg signs further launch contracts.
2021年4月27日 · Rocket Factory, a start-up backed by the German satellite maker OHB as a strategic investor and Venture Capital firm Apollo Capital Partners, is currently developing a launcher system called RFA One for small satellites with a payload performance of up to 1300kg to low earth orbit (LEO).
RFA secures €30m investment from KKR - Rocket Factory Augsburg
2023年8月7日 · KKR will become a leading investor in RFA alongside the existing strategic investor and majority owner, OHB. The investment of €30mio comes after RFA’s successful completion of its upper stage hot fire test in May 2023, which was the first of its kind in Europe.
Rocket Factory Augsburg unterzeichnet weitere Startverträge - OHB …
2021年4月27日 · Rocket Factory, ein Start-up, hinter dem der deutsche Satellitenhersteller OHB als strategischer Investor und die Risikokapitalgesellschaft Apollo Capital Partners stehen, entwickelt derzeit ein Trägersystem namens RFA ONE für Kleinsatelliten mit einer Nutzlastleistung von bis zu 1300 kg in den niedrigen Erdorbit (LEO).
Rocket Factory Augsburg: In-depth analysis of RFA [2024]
2023年8月19日 · Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) is a new space company that was established in 2018 as a spin-off of OHB SE by Jörn Spurmann, Stefan Brieschenk, Hans Steiniger, and Marco Fuchs. These individuals, along with Dr. Stefan Tweraser (who joined RFA as CEO in October 2021) and Jean-Jacques Dordain (Chairman), make up …
OHB 预计将在几周内达成私有化交易 - ChinaeroSpace
2024年5月14日 · 奥格斯堡火箭工厂 (RFA) 是一家于 2018 年从 OHB 分离出来的运载火箭公司,目前正在准备从设得兰群岛的 SaxaVord 航天港首次发射 RFA ONE 火箭。 福克斯表示,RFA 正在准备很快在航天港对火箭第一级进行热火测试。
Rocket Factory Augsburg lands new customer in build up to
2021年11月18日 · Rocket Factory Augsburg is a spinoff from German space technology company OHB founded in 2018. The three-stage RFA One launcher uses a cluster of 9 staged combustion...
ABOUT RFA - Rocket Factory Augsburg
Established in 2018 as a corporate spinoff from OHB, via MT Aerospace Holding. 2019 RFA became a public limited company, with Stefan Brieschenk and Jörn Spurmann joining as board members and co-founders.
Rocket Factory Augsburg gets €30 million investment boost
2023年8月8日 · KKR will become a leading investor in RFA alongside the existing strategic investor OHB, according to the statement. In a related development, KKR has acquired a minority stake in German...