RFE-HF 250V - Helmacab - Helkama Bica
Armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable. For fixed installation in most areas, and on open deck in ships and offshore units. If the cable is exposed to direct sunlight, protective covering or cable with black outer sheath is recommended.
RFE-HF 250V - Elcab
RFE-HF 250V. Armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable 250V. Application: For fixed installation in most areas and on open deck in ships and off shore units. If the cable is exposed to direct sun light protective covering or cable with black outer sheath is recommended.
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RFE-HF - Helmacab
Armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable. For fixed installation in most areas, and on open deck in ships and offshore units. If the cable is exposed to direct sunlight, protective covering or cable with black outer sheath is recommended.
Helkama RFE-HF | Armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable …
Marine approved armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable for fixed installation in areas with sensitive instrumentation and telecommunication needs.
Helkama RFE-FRHF | Fire-resistant armoured pair ... - ELNOVIS
Marine approved, fire-resistant armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable for fixed installation in areas with sensitive instrumentation and telecommunication needs.
RFE-HF Cable (IEC 60092-376) - Siechem
Conductor : Electrolytic, stranded, annealed copper wire.
Helkama RFE-HF (i) | Armoured and individually screened
Marine approved armoured and individually screened instrumentation and communication cable for EMI protection, mechanical protection and minimization of crosstalk between pairs.
RFE-FRHF 250V - Elcab
RFE-FRHF 250V. Fire-resistant armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable 250V. Application: For fixed installation in most areas and on open deck in ships and off shore units. If the cable is exposed to direct sun light protective covering or …
Armoured pair instrumentation and communication cable. For fixed installation in most areas, and on open deck in ships and ofshore units. If the cable is exposed to direct sunlight, protective covering or cable with black outer sheath is recommended. HALOGEN-FREE SMOKE EMISSION OIL RESISTANCE (SHF2 only) MIN. INSTALLATION TEMPERATURE.
射频电缆 - 百度百科
射频电缆也叫 同轴电缆,是由互相同轴的内导体、外导体以及支撑内外导体的介质组成的。 在无线电通讯、广播电视的射频传输中,射频电缆是重要的量备。 如果选用不当,不仅会造成浪费,增加投资成本,也会使系统工作时不稳定,引发故障,造成设备损坏。 为了正确地选用射频电缆,就需要学习了解一些有关电缆的特性参数和类型。 射频电缆的特性包括有电器性能和机械性能,电器性能包括有特性阻抗、传输损耗及其频率特性、温度特性、屏蔽特性、额定功率、最大耐压机 …