RFID Tracks Work-in-Progress for Frame Producer - RFID Journal
2022年10月24日 · The dowel-shaped tag comes with a plastic casing to provide protection for humidity and pressure, and the company needed to drill a hole and insert the dowel with a built-in RFID chip. Testing found the tag worked well in this environment, he adds, and that it could be read from a distance of around 2 to 4 meters (6.6 to 13.1 feet).
Van de Vin BV, streamlining production with RFID - RFIDdirect
The company’s Timber UHF RFID Dowel tags, designed and produced by RFIDdirect, are inserted into the end of each timber frame, then are read at eight workstations via fixed reader stations embedded in the floor.
leverages passive UHF RFID technology from U.K.- and Germany-based RFIDdirect, developed to operate reliably in the highly challenging environment of wood product assembly. The company’s Timber UHF RFID Dowel tags are inserted into the end of each plank of wood, then are read at eight workstations via fixed readers embedded in the floor.
RFID Dowel for Timber Applications Technical Specifications Size : Ø8 x 35 mm Material : PET with flame retardant Polyolefin cover Type : UHF RFID NXP UCODE-8 chipset Standard : EPCglobal Class 1 Gen2 / ISO18000-6C Radiation pattern in free air
三分钟带你读懂RFID技术!(含应用领域、7大优点) - 知乎
rfid又称无线射频识别,通过无线电讯号识别并读写特定目标数据,不需要机械接触或者特定复杂环境就可完成识别与读写数据。 如今,大家所讲的RFID技术应用其实就是RFID标签,它已经存在于我们生活中的方方面面。
全网你能看到最全的RFID整体技术介绍! - 知乎专栏
2024年3月26日 · RFID系统是一套基于RFID技术的硬件设备,有丰富的工业用途. RFID系统主要由三个部分组成: 1. RFID标签 (Tag):也被称为智能标签,分为有源标签和无源标签。 有源标签带有独立供电系统,可以主动发送信号;而无源标签则没有电源,需要由读写器提供能量才能发送信号。 标签内含有 电子存储芯片,用于存储信息。 2. RFID读写器 (Reader):用于发射信号激活标签,并读取或写入标签内的数据。 根据应用的不同,读写器可以是固定式的也可以是手 …
Sofrasar Tunnel & Infrastructure Solutions - Optimas
Centering systems and shear dowels that speed and simplify installation of concrete segments and enable optimum control of the shearing stress up to 500 kN. We offer a large range of dimensions and thermoplastic qualities to find the most …
一文读懂RFID标签和读写器 - CSDN博客
2021年5月31日 · RFID是Radio Frequency Identification的缩写,是一种无接触自动识别技术,利用射频信号及其空间耦合传输特性,实现对静止的或移动中的待识别物品的自动识别 。RFID系统则由两个部分组成,即电子标签和阅读器。
DOWEL PIN 2.5DIA X 16MM LONG, VM SERIES Mfr. Part #: 91595A074 / RS Stock #: 73810554
SR系列RFID不干胶标签封装设备 - 广州多威龙印刷机械有限公司